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A/N: heyy lmao so this is gonna be the last chapter... I would love to keep it going with this story but there's other things I'm working on and it'll just be nice to finish it and move on. I want to say thanks to everyone that's read all the way through to this point, and I want to thank all of you for your feedback, it's very much appreciated.

I hope you enjoy the final chapter!!

P.S. smut warning cause it's the finale and I feel like I owe ya'll this.

Anyway,,, enjoy!!


Lexa's POV

The next morning, they set off in the direction of the nuclear plant. Lexa didn't want Clarke wandering off again, so she made sure to ride as close to her as she could get, and to keep her eyes on Clarke whenever she went too far ahead.

By the time the sun had started to set, they started seeing weird things scattered around that were not part of nature. Metal and concrete and random pieces of stone. They knew they were close, but they still hadn't arrived.

It was beginning to get too dark when they finally reached a fence that looked in at the nuclear plant, and Lexa was taken aback by how large it was. How were they going to find one man in that building?

But she was also surprised by the light coming from the nuclear plant. There were these large posts in the field between the fence and the building that were illuminating the field. It chased away the darkness that came with the night expertly.

However, there was one small problem when one of Lexa's men moved to climb the fence.

"Wait, wait, wait! Don't-" Raven held out a hand and took a few steps forward as Lexa's warrior latched himself onto the fence. He shook violently, an audible shock sound filling their ears as he fell back and hit the ground. Clarke rushed over to him, feeling for a pulse. She sighed in relief when she found one, though there was really nothing she could do at this moment. Lexa instructed two of her men to stay with him while they went to look for a means of shutting the fence down.

They tied their horses down by the sleeping warrior and two of Lexa's men, starting their walk around the edge of the fence. Thankfully, the light from inside the fence shone outward, giving them enough light to see by.

They'd walked for a little over thirty minutes when they reached what appeared to be the entrance of the entire thing, though they couldn't very well touch it to open it. Raven told everyone to take a short break while she checked it out.

Lexa was sitting on a rock, watching Clarke as she stood close but not too close to the fence, one hand on her hip and the other under her chin as she inspected the lock. With a sigh, Lexa turned her gaze upward, where nobody else seemed to be looking. A small red light on a little rectangle box caught her attention.

"Raven, what is that?" Lexa pointed. Raven looked to Lexa, then followed her finger to the small rectangular box.

"A camera." Raven muttered, stepping in it's line of view and looking up at it. "Hey!" She called, waving her arms as she looked at it. Lexa was frightened and confused by Raven's odd behavior. "We know you're in there! Are you scared to let us in? Huh? Are you-"

There was a click sound as the gate started to slide open. "That was easy..." Raven muttered, turning her head from the camera and looking behind her at everyone, motioning for them to come on before whoever was controlling the door decided to close it.

They were making their way through the field when laughter echoed around them, through an intercom (Lexa was told by Raven). "You think you can get me, you silly little Savages?" The voice said. Nuh-uh, Lexa thought, did he just call me silly? "Like you got my brother?"

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