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Raven's POV

The next morning, Raven was in her tent -- she was deciding what of her equipment to take to Polis, and what of her equipment to leave behind for the others to rummage through and take back to Arkadia -- when Octavia came in unannounced. She walked around the mess in the middle of the floor and stopped beside Raven, grabbing the wrench from her hand and tossing it back on the table.

"You're leaving?" Octavia's brows creased, and she looked extremely pissed off.

"I'm going to Polis with Lexa and Clarke, yes." Raven nodded, picking the wrench back up and putting it in her bag.

"Why?" Octavia asked, "What can you even do in Polis?"

"Arkadia will be fine without me, if that's what you're worried about. And I'll only be one radio call away." Raven held her portable radio up for show before packing it safely in her bag.

"I'm not worried about Arkadia." She said in a rush. "I'm worried about me. What am I gonna do without you?"

"What you normally do." Raven said, shifting her eyes away and focusing her stare on her bag. "And it's not like you'll be completely alone..." Raven began to list names of people that would still be here when she left, "There's Monty and Jasper... your brother... Lincoln."

"Right." Octavia nodded solemnly. "Lincoln."

"And you don't have to worry about my safety." Raven told her. "Lexa's having Anya come back as well. To keep a watch on me so I don't get... lost or anything."

"Anya?" Octavia said slowly, watching Raven's reaction closely.

"Yeah..." Raven glanced over at her before turning back to her bag and putting a few extra tools and supplies away. She adjusted her sling and took one last look around the room before grabbing the strap of her bag and tossing it over her shoulder.

"When do you leave?" Octavia asked quietly.

"Now." She turned to walk out, but Octavia stopped her.

"Wait, hold on a second." She said, grabbing Raven's shoulders and turning her around, giving her a tight hug.

After a minute or two, Raven laughed and pushed her back, "Okay, okay. You're hurting the arm there, O."

"Sorry." She said sheepishly. She grabbed Raven's hand and led her to the exit. "Come on, I'll walk with you."

Lexa's POV

"She's going to make us late, Clarke." Lexa told her, sounded slightly annoyed at Raven's lateness.

"You caught a glimpse of her tent. That couldn't have been easy to rummage through last-minute." Clarke replied, pulling her horse up beside Lexa's. Lexa adjusted the reins in her hands, sitting up straighter.

"Why did you invite her, anyway?" Lexa asked, "What is she going to do in Polis?"

"She can help us with our technology."

"Clarke, we have no technology." Lexa shook her head with a small chuckle.

"Exactly." Clarke said, her eyes lighting up, "I figured she could help us make some advances. Like in your tower, she could start there. Or-"

Lexa tried to listen, but she did not care about or understand any of this technology that Clarke seemed to know a lot about. Lexa had been raised without any of the fancy devices the Sky People loved so much. She understood a world without the electronics. However, she would admit that it was an interesting experience to use their devices.

Her eyes trained in on Raven, who was walking beside Octavia, their hands interlocked. She had her bag slung over her shoulder, along with her sling, which was very much still in place. She would be riding with Anya, since she couldn't very well steer a horse with one hand. She barely knew how to ride to begin with.

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