The 13th Clan

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Raven's POV

Raven was a light sleeper. Like, a really light sleeper.

So when her sleep was interrupted by a certain power couple down the hall, she knew she had to complain about it the next morning at breakfast.

Clarke's face got as red as a tomato, while Lexa just remained neutral as always. Anya was cracking up beside her, unable to hold up the facade that she usually did while Raven poked fun at the two. When Raven started directing her jokes specifically towards Clarke, she was given a death glare by Lexa and stopped talking immediately. Anya found that amusing, too.

She liked making Anya laugh.

After breakfast, Raven found herself following Anya down the hall to the lift so they could go down into the city. Raven hadn't seen much of it; just what she could see from her balcony, and what she'd seen when they'd arrived a few days ago. Raven couldn't shake the feeling that something big would happen while she was gone, but she had faith in Clarke and Lexa.

Anya took her to various stands and shops, and had her try all of the different foods. The only thing that would have made her authentic grounder experience better would have been if she'd taken the time to learn their language. However she had spent a lot of her time despising them because they'd taken Clarke. But after everything that had happened recently, she was beginning to trust them more and more.

Maybe she'd ask Anya for lessons in the language.

"Wait," Raven said as they passed a shop with an interesting title. "What's that?"

"Marks. You probably wouldn't want one." Anya said, continuing down the sidewalk.

Raven grabbed her arm, stopping her. "Marks? You mean tattoos?"

"Yes, I believe that is what your Sky People call them." Anya confirmed.

"Can we go in?" Raven said slowly, taking a step towards the entrance of the shop.

"If you wish." Anya nodded, stepping ahead of her to hold the door open. "After you."

Raven saluted with her good hand, entering ahead of her. Inside the door it was extremely dull; the walls were bare, and the only interesting thing was the man sitting at a table, drawing in a sketchbook. He had tattoos all across his arms and even one on his face, with a beard that was surprisingly well kept. He wasn't as muscular as Raven would have expected, instead having a slimmer frame.

He glanced up when the door closed noisily behind Anya. "Can I help you?" he spoke in Trigedasleng. Raven could not understand, so she watched Anya interact with him.

"She would like to look through some of your selections." Anya responded. Seeing as neither were going to move to English, Raven took it upon herself to step closer to the wall, inspecting it closely.

"Alright. What are you interested in?" the man seemed to be speaking to Raven, but she had no clue what he was saying.

"Do you know English? She doesn't speak our language."

The man laughed, "No Sky People do."

"You know English?" Raven spoke up, excited that she could finally talk to someone. Barely anyone spoke English, which Raven had learned. Only warriors had to learn English.

"Only little." he shrugged, "Sorry for bad grammar."

"It's alright." Raven smiled.

"What would Sky Girl like?" he spun his book around on the table, flipping it to the first page so she could begin scanning through. She stepped forward, grabbing hold of the page and beginning to flip through.

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