Love Triangle

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Raven's POV

Raven sat down and handed Octavia a cup of water. Or at least she'd told Abby it was water when she'd walked by her a moment ago. But everyone knew there was only one substance that helped at a time like this. They clinked their cups together and took a swig, and it wasn't until Raven turned her head away from Octavia that she'd noticed Anya, Lexa's friend (seriously, Lexa had friends?) had come up beside them. She stood awkwardly, looking down at them.

"Lexa has ordered me to stay with you two."

Raven couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger that Lexa had thought they'd need watching, but Raven knew Octavia liked to wander off and she couldn't keep a close enough eye on her friend by herself with a sprained arm. She wouldn't admit that out loud, though.

"Alright." Raven nodded.

Octavia looked surprised beside her, taking a sip of her drink as she looked between the two. When Anya wasn't looking, she shot Raven a questioning look.

Octavia scooted closer to Raven, making room for Anya to sit down beside them. She patted the spot beside her, but Anya just shook her head, "I'm fine standing, thank you."

"Whatever floats your fancy." Octavia shrugged. She did, however, notice how Octavia remained close to Raven. Their knees and arms were brushing each other, and Raven couldn't help but feel the beating of her heart getting faster.

She knew she shouldn't have these feelings for Octavia; she was with that Grounder, Lincoln, after all. But she couldn't control her feelings, they just sort of happened. Luckily, she'd never been encouraged to act on her feelings; Octavia always kept her distance.

But from what Raven was picking up, Octavia had noticed the way Raven had gotten nervous around Anya, and she was trying to send a clear message that Raven was off limits. But Octavia did not have the right to decide that for her.

She liked Anya well enough, but... God, feelings were so difficult. How did people do this all the time?

Raven scooted away from Octavia, not wanting to lead her on, or wanting to make Anya feel uncomfortable. She tried her best at casual conversation, "So, how about that explosion?"

They both gave her strange looks; Octavia raising an eyebrow and taking a sip of her drink, while Anya simply crossed her arms and looked down at her with a frown.

"That was... that was pretty... pretty bad." Raven stuttered out nervously.

"Wonderful observation." Anya said sarcastically.

"Okay, what is both of your problems?" Raven said suddenly, standing from her spot on the rubble and looking between the both of them.

"Nothing." Octavia shrugged, looking away while swaying her drink around in her cup. Anya just continued to stare at Raven.

"It's certainly not nothing." Raven said, sensing the thickness in the air. "You two better clear things up right now, because God only knows how long we have to be together before Lexa relieves you of your watch on us."

Octavia and Anya shared a look. Raven grunted in annoyance, gulping down the last of her drink. She sat back down, a respectable distance from Octavia.

Octavia opened her mouth to say something, but another voice cut her off. "Octavia?" Raven turned her head to see Lincoln, walking towards their small group. "Come on, I could use your help on watch."

Octavia closed her mouth and stood, walking away without saying another word.

Anya stepped closer when she was gone, taking the vacant seat Octavia had left behind. She didn't say anything for a minute or two, but then she suddenly turned to Raven and said, "You know that girl Octavia likes you, right?"

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