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Taehyung watches her from afar.

She looks the same as she always did: same doe eyes, same freckles painted on her cheeks, same birthmark right by her left temple. Her hair changes, as it does to fit with society's norms, and this Freya sports dyed brown hair cut to her shoulders in something that resembles a bob. Her skin is a bit tanner than he's remembered, probably because they're in sunny Los Angeles time time around, and she's wearing a loose red flannel with a pair of denim shorts. It isn't Taehyung's favorite look on her, but it suits her in an unpresuming sort of way.

She doesn't notice him - of course she doesn't - as she sits at a table in a cafe with friends, sipping on drinks and making small talk occasionally.

Taehyung's foot takes a step forward subconsciously before he notices and retracts. He can't be seen, she can't see him, or it's all over. He's messed up many times before, like the first time it happened in Korea or the last time in New York City.

The outcome is always the same.

Taehyung watches silently from his car. This Freya, like all the other past Freya's he's known, has a habit of biting her lip when she's listening to people talk. He's told her off before for her bad habit, but not this time. Freya chews at her lip, takes a sip of her drink, and resumes. Taehyung wants to run in, go right up to her, and tell her to stop, but he can't. Not this time.

He snaps a picture of her on a vintage polaroid, and tucks the picture in his pocket. It'll add to all the others tacked up on his wall.

It's better this way, he thinks to himself. He's protecting her, saving her. Death won't claim her, and he won't be the cause of her death. It's better this way.

But it's not. It's fucking not, because all Taehyung wants - all he's ever wanted - was to love her, to be able to wake up with her by his side every morning, to go on romantic dates and cuddle in front of the television after a long day. Why was he cursed? Why was she cursed?

Taehyung looks up from his reverie, and finds the table Freya was at empty. There's a look of defeat on his face with hints of relief. He's made too many mistakes that cost Freya her life, but Taehyung's learned a lot from past generations.

One: They always meet.

Two: Freya always falls for Taehyung.

Three: If they kiss, she dies. 


*breathes heavily* this is too angsty for me i need to read something funny 

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