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thank you all so so so much for reading eternal and putting up with my extremely inconsistent updates! i am so appreciative of every single of one you who embarked on this crazy journey with me and supporting every chapter i write.

taehyung and freya's story was something i felt like i could never write fluidly. if you look at the first part of this book, i actually wrote (and i quote) "i really shouldn't be writing this right now and there's a 90% chance i'll end up taking this down but for now, im kinda okay with this." LMAO i still can't believe that five months later i have this - thing - 13,000 ish words long and actually finished. it has been one hell of a rollercoaster and yes, i actually almost cried writing my own story I'm horrible,  wow i just can't believe i actually went through with this?

i initially wanted to write an epilogue, but i just felt that the ending i have now is the best fit for the story. I, will, however, in lieu of an epilogue, tell you what happens to everybody!

ON TAEHYUNG/JUNGKOOK'S FRIENDSHIP : they make up, because taehyung has seen everything good and bad in the world, and he chooses good. they're both hurting anyway, and taehyung doesn't want to lose any more loved ones.

ON IRENE : i really love her because she reminds me a lot of well, me. the girl who can't get anyone she wants while she watches her friends get boyfriends and asked out to dances. :P well, she gets over taehyung (kinda of hinted at throughout the story already) but they stay good friends since they support each other after freya's death. 

ON JIMIN : still kind of a dick, but he's still good with taehyung. He's horrible at comforting people because he usually drinks his problems away, but he tries his hand at consoling taehyung without invoking alcohol.

ON TAEHYUNG : he cried for what seemed like an eternity after he found freya's body cold the next morning. the pain comes and goes now, but everything comes tumbling into him when he least expects it. the last time reality hit him, he started crying during a dance session at ML. but he'll heal, as time does.

OH also, kudos to kuhzaam who gave me ideas for the ending of the story! i struggled a lot with how to end Eternal because i wanted a less cliche ending aka more unique but also something that readers felt satisfied with (even though it wasn't really happy im soz) 

if you'd like to know anything else that happens or have any lingering questions about the characters, feel free to comment below and i'll be happy to answer!

that's all :) i don't even know what i should write next!!!

hope you enjoyed reading and love freya/tae as much as i do. I really, really, really, don't want to let them go. :'(

love youuuu! <3

 - kayla. 

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