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'Getting coffee' doesn't really happen, because Taehyung is in his right mind again the next morning, even if it is through a throbbing head. He doesn't remember how he got home, or how he ended up under the covers in his own bed, but he has a hunch that it was probably Jungkook or Jimin. Not that many people know where he lives, anyway.

He picks up his phone to the check the time, but is instantly distracted by the unread messages on his lock screen.

Freya/ 2:11 AM: its Freya that girl you talked to last night if you even remember

Freya / 2:14 AM: i really hope this is your number

Freya / 2:17 AM: um but your friend jimin i think his name was? took you home after you threw up outside

Freya / 2:21 AM: but he gave me your number before you two left. wasn't sure if you'd remember me while you were pissed??

Freya / 2:23 AM: so yea give me a call when your head isn't hurting so bad! :)

Taehyung groans, letting his weight fall back against the mattress. Not only had he made an absolute fool of himself in front of her, she also managed to get his number. Exactly the reason why he shouldn't be allowed to go partying.

The ringing of his cell phone jolts Taehyung out of his trance, but he immediately regrets his entire existence when he sees Freya's name on the screen.

"Ah fuck." he curses under his breath. It rings once, twice, and Taehyung's finger hovers of the answer button. On the fourth ring, he presses answer and holds the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Taehyung?" It's a girl, but it's not Freya.

"Irene? What are you doing calling from Freya's number?"

"I uh - don't have your number, but Freya does." she says. "Um, I know I was drunk last night, so you probably didn't take me seriously, but I honestly do like you, Taehyung."

Taehyung is at a loss of words at her confession. Because he has no idea who she is, and he's totally and completely in love with her friend.

"Hello?" he hears on the other side of the line.



"Wanna talk over a cup of coffee?" 


a/n: for those who forgot, irene is freya's friend who bumps into taehyung in part 七

ALSO sorry its so short and filler its been really hard to write taehyung because my mind has been all jungkook! jungkook! jungkook! jungkook! jungkook! 

now i really want to write a jungkook fic 

please leave comments and let me know what you think is gonna happeennnnn c; 

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