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Nothing seems the same between Taehyung and Jungkook anymore. They talk at night, like they've always done, but its like there's some invisible barrier between them. Jungkook doesn't mention Freya, but Taehyung's seen him secretly staring at pictures on his phone of the two of them in class He isn't entirely sure they're official, but either way, Jungkook's smiling a little more when he doesn't think Taehyung notices.

Taehyung tries to comfort himself. He goes to ML almost every day after class - his stress reliever - and spends his nights with Jimin drinking until he forgets about Freya and Jungkook altogether.

He cries himself to sleep. A lot. Because she's alive and fifteen minutes away from him and he can't even fucking do anything about it.

When Jimin rings him up one afternoon and offers up a nice, chill party at some classmate's place, Taehyung's got no reason to turn him down. Besides, he's not quite sure if he can deal with Jungkook's awkwardness at home anymore.

"What's gotten into you these days, man?" Jimin says when Taehyung hops into the passenger seat of Jimin's car. "I know I asked if you wanted to come, but half the time, I'm expecting a no."

Taehyung shrugs. "Just feel like it."

"Did you get dumped? Lose a fuck buddy?"

The second part of his question sets Taehyung off. "Shut the hell up and drive, Jimin. This isn't a game of 20 questions."

They arrive at their destination twenty minutes later, and its the usual party scene. Taehyung dodges a stumbling girl as he enters, grabbing a couple shots off the counter and downing it. He drinks to forget.

One shot.




He's pretty much delusional by the eighth shot, holding onto the wall for stability. He doesn't even know where he is, much less who he's here with. Someone presses against him from behind, and he turns to find a girl gazing up at him with a sultry look. She's pretty, wide eyes, full lips, long black hair.

"Hi." she giggles, and Taehyung notices fingers pressing against his side. "Taehyung, right?"

"Yeah." he slurs. "How did you know?"

"I like you." Fingers running down his arms.

"Okay." he breathes, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger. "What's your name?"

"- Irene!" a voice cries, and Taehyung looks up. He makes eye contact with the girl that steps up next to Irene, and reality hits him like a ton of bricks. "I was looking for you everywhere." the girl says to Irene, who waves her off pettily.

"Freya, I'm fine. I was just trying to make some friends." she replies, shooting a flirtatious glance at Taehyung. He barely notices the hand on his arm because it is Freya standing in front of him, staring at him, undoubtedly falling for him yet again.

"Hi." Freya greets Taehyung shyly, biting her lip. That familiar habit of her's sends Taehyung into another wave of heartache. "I'm so sorry about my friend."

He shakes his head softly. "Uh, don't worry about it."

They're staring at each other for a moment too long before Irene clears her throat and sends the two of them looking away. "You two done stripping each other with your eyes? Frey, you're no fun. And Taehyung, you were supposed to be my date for the night but obviously you're more interested in my friend, so I'll play cupid and let you two have at it."

Freya opens her mouth as if she wants to protest, but Irene's strutting off before either of them can say a word. "So."


"I'm Freya." she finally says, holding out a hand. It seems to formal in a setting where students are drinking their lives away, but Taehyung takes it.


"Wanna go outside? It's stuffy in here."

He follows her out. 


jungkook please date me we can be #kaykook 

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