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Taehyung is lying on his bed when he hears the front door to their apartment open. He shuts his eyes, willing himself to sleep, at the sound of keys landing on the coffee table. There's some shuffling from outside, then the raspy timbre of Jungkook's voice.

"- the fuck?" Jungkook mutters, presumably having found Freya sleeping on the couch. "Freya?"

Silence. More shuffling.

"Freya." he tries again. This time, he gets a groan in response. Taehyung can only imagine the headache she has right now, considering the number of shots she downed last night.

"Here. Drink this." Jungkook says.

"Jungkook?" he hears Freya say, her voice hoarse and airy. Taehyung shouldn't be jealous at the sound of her saying Jungkook's name, but somehow he finds himself gritting his teeth. "Ow, my head."

"Uh - I think you got pretty smashed last night. At a party?"

"Oh. Yeah, I think so." she struggles to make out her words. "Is this your place?"

Taehyung's breath hitches in his throat.

"I share it with my roommate." Jungkook pauses. "He's out right now."


Jungkook clears his throat. "Maybe you should take this. And down some more water before you go. You need a ride?"

There's no response, but Taehyung can hear more shuffling about the living room. When Freya speaks again, it's nothing more than a messy jumble of sounds in his ear. The door shutting causes Taehyung to sit up again, waiting a couple seconds before he dares to open the door.

His head peeks out from behind his bedroom door first, then when he only finds Jungkook in the kitchen washing her cup, he sighs in relief, stepping out.


"Shit, Taehyung." Jungkook jumps at the sound of his voice, nearly dropping the cup in the process. "Didn't know you were home. Did you bring her home?"

"I couldn't leave her passed out at the party, could I?"

Jungkook gives him a look. "Be honest with yourself. If it was anyone else passed out you wouldn't have even batted an eye."

Jungkook's tone isn't condescending, but so full of sincerity and truth that it hits Taehyung in the gut. It's true. Had it been anyone but Freya, Taehyung would've never bothered. The pure realization sends Taehyung looking down at the floor in shame.

"You don't have to do this to yourself."

"I wish I didn't."

"Then don't."

Taehyung looks up at Jungkook through glassy eyes. "You wouldn't understand."

"What wouldn't I understand? You two broke up, and you still love her. Then go tell her you do, and if she's moved on, then she's missing out on a fucking amazing guy."

"Jungkook," Taehyung breathes, "we never broke up."


"She doesn't remember me."

Jungkook is staring blankly at him, so Taehyung continues. "I always kill her. In one way or another, she dies because of me."

"Dude, are you okay? Are you on something?"

"You want to know why we can't meet, right? Why I have all those pictures of her on my wall? Well, then listen to me."

"Go on."

Taehyung spills everything. All those feelings of pain and grief, he lets go of it all before Jungkook. Because Jungkook is the closest thing he's ever had to a best friend and if anyone was going to hear Taehyung's story, it would be him.

When Taehyung finally stops, there are tears in his eyes and his heart feels as if it's been ripped out of him at he remembers every little detail of his past. 


guys guys guys ive been really into day 6 recently someone pls tell me more about them 

i also really like jae omg

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