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Having someone who knows Taehyung's story is relieving to say that least. It's like a weight's been lifted off his shoulders and he can actually stand up straight without succumbing to the weight of his secret.

When he wakes up the next morning at 6:30 in the morning, the sun pouring in from his window and warming his face, he's never been more glad to be alive. If Jungkook thought he was on drugs for telling some insane story about killing a girl with a kiss, then waking up before his alarm is something beyond drugs.

Yet Taehyung's up and changing into a tee and a pair of jeans by 6:45 and making his way into the kitchen by 6:50. He's got one class today at noon, but until then, he's going to make him a nice bowl of cereal and watch some TV.

Jungkook wakes up some fifteen minutes before his class is about to start, as per usual, and Taehyung can't help but laugh as his roommate scrambles from the bedroom into the bathroom into the kitchen with eight minutes to spare.

"Wow. Record time, Jungkook." he banters, washing his bowl. "You're lucky we're only five minutes from campus."

Jungkook's shoves a beanie over his head and grabs his skateboard before giving Taehyung a glance. "It's how I roll." He's about to step out the door when he stops mid-step and turns around. "By the way, I'll be over at ML after class, in case you wanna stop by for a quick dance break."

"Yeah, I was thinking about heading to ML today, too. You know, stress relief."

Jungkook has this look on his face as he looks at Taehyung, but Taehyung can't put a finger what emotion he's trying to convey. Before he can figure Jungkook's expression out, Jungkook's giving him a nod and shutting the door behind him.


Taehyung loves to dance. But it's fucking hard a lot of the time, and though it's usually his way of relieving stress, not perfecting a certain move frustrates him to no end. At least, Jungkook hasn't quite got the steps down either.

The two of them take a seat on the floor during a water break, huffing and puffing in exhaustion. Taehyung grabs his towel and swipes the sweat off his forehead, chugging the entirety of his water bottle.

"How was your class? You seemed a little...off today." Taehyung asks.

Jungkook has that look again, the one that makes Taehyung uneasy. "It was fine."

It's a blunt answer, one that screams excuse and not truth. Taehyung wants to ask him what's wrong, but the words never make it past his lips. Instead, he stands and holds a hand out for Jungkook, who takes his offer and stands easily. They finish their class without another word to each other, focusing instead on their dance instructor.

Jungkook seems to have got the routine down, but Taehyung can't focus because Jungkook's got his eyebrows furrowed and eyes glazed over in thought even as he dances.


When Jungkook speaks to Taehyung again early the next morning, he holds a look so guilty those pretty doe eyes of his can't even disguise it. Taehyung's just finished drying his hair when Jungkook knocks twice against the bathroom door.

"Tae? Is it okay if I come in?" he hears Jungkook ask timidly.

"Uh-huh. Door's unlocked."

The door opens slowly, and Jungkook walks in even slower. His head's bowed, and Taehyung knows he's about to confess something. Those doe eyes scan Taehyung's face, holds his gaze, then breaks it.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook breathes.

"For what? You haven't done anything wrong."

"Freya. I - I asked her out."

Taehyung blinks once. Twice. Three times, then chokes out, "You did what?"

"I thought, maybe, you couldn't date her. Because you told me you would kill her. And I really like her, Taehyung, so I asked her if she wanted to go get dinner with me sometime, and she said yes." Jungkook rambles, words too fast for Taehyung to tie together. In the back of his mind, he knows this is what's best for her - for him - but in the moment, it feels as if his world is crumbling.

"Tae?" Jungkook tugs at his lower lip, trying to get any response out of him. "I'm so sorry. I was being too impulsive when I saw her this morning, but I'll cancel it if you want. Really, it's no big deal."

But by the look in his roommate's eyes, it is a big deal. Taehyung hasn't heard Jungkook talk about any girl, ever, since they moved into together. His eyes light up when he says her name, just like how Taehyung's do.

"No, don't do that. Just - take her somewhere nice, okay?" 


eeeeee update in celebration of 100 followers c; THANKS FAM ILY

as per usual, leave some love on the story~! 

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