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"God, she's driving me crazy, Jimin." Taehyung rants over the phone to his close friend, who does nothing but laugh in response.

"You got hots for that girl you took home that night? What's her name again -"


"Right. Freya." he says. "I thought she was dating Jungkook?"

Jungkook. Taehyung isn't sure whether to laugh or grimace at the sound of his roommate's name. Taehyung really isn't sure how much Freya told Jungkook, or if she mentioned anything at all, but Jungkook hasn't been home often.

When he has, he always comes home weary-eyed and moody.

"I don't even know if they're a thing or not. Jungkook is like - in love with her or something, and I'm also fucking in love. And..."


"She likes me, okay?"

Silence across the line. Jimin mumbles something under his breath, and Taehyung continues. "Shit. I sound like a cocky prick right now. I swear, I'm stuck in some sort of twisted soap opera. Freya likes me, Jungkook likes Freya, Irene likes me but I don't like Irene in that way -"

"Wait." Jimin interrupts. "Irene likes you, too? Dude, you pull so hard."

"Can you hear me out? To make things even worse, Freya knows I took her home when she was lights out drunk that night, which makes me wonder if she was actually drunk."

"Ok. Then just date her if you both like each other? Jungkook is your friend and roommate. If he respects you, then he shouldn't hold a grudge against you and Freya dating."

"No." Taehyung sighs. "I can't date her."

"What the fuck, Taehyung. This is seriosuly pissing me off, okay? You're making this so much more complicated than it has to be. You're going to piss off someone either way, whether it be Freya or me or Jungkook, so just make up your mind and make a move."

Taehyung stares glumly at Jimin, borderline shocked at his friend's rough tone towards him. Taehyung would open his mouth to snap back, but Jimin has been spot on about Taehyung's conflicting feelings. Either way, it wasn't like Taehyung was going to tell Jimin about his whole fiasco with Freya reappearing in every generation.

"Just go out with her, yeah? Makes things a lot easier."

No, it doesn't.


Jungkook actually comes home one night, tripping over his own feet and literally stumbling into Taehyung as he opens the door.

"You're drunk." Taehyung says to him. "And you reek of alcohol."

"I fucking know."

"Did - something happen?" Taehyung dares to ask as he goes to get Jungkook some water. "You never drink."

"You want to know what happened?" Jungkook's eyes are glassy, broken. Taehyung follows Jungkook's finger over to the wall of polaroids. "That happened. And I fell for her, but guess what? She didn't fall for me."

"Jungkook, listen to me."

"No! I don't want to listen anymore. I listened to Freya and she broke up with me. If I listen to you, what are you gonna tell me? That I was stupid for thinking that I had a chance with her even though you already warned me beforehand that she'd only fall in love with you?" he snaps back at Taehyung. He's never been like this, this angry at Taehyung about anything, and Taehyung decides that he's terrified of this side of Jungkook.

"I didn't want it to turn out this way. I never wanted her to die in any lifetime, and I don't want this Freya to die either, but I don't know how to stop it from happening."

At this, Jungkook looks up. "Maybe you need to try a little harder."


When Freya asks to meet Taehyung two days later, ironically at the same coffee shop where Irene confessed, Taehyung declines.

For god's sake, Taehyung, answer your goddamn phone! You didn't even give me a proper explanation for all this weird shit and i really can't sleep much because all i hear is your 'i love you', okay? just - call me back when you get the chance.

Taehyung presses replay on the voicemail she leaves him five more times before finally finding the courage to press delete. Her voice is like a lullaby to him, winding him into her trance before he's even aware of it. He remembers lying next to her some ages ago, listening to her sing him to sleep, or her laughing as he ran fingers over her sides until she was curled up in a ball crying stop, taehyung! it tickles!.

He wonders if this Freya would act the same.

Taehyung eyes the clock - thirty minutes until he was supposed to be in class - before standing up and grabbing the phone from the kitchen counter. He was so sick of hiding out at home where he was left with nothing to do besides drive himself mental thinking about her.

He could feel everything he worked to keep secret beginning to crumble beneath his feet. Freya was starting to see something was up with him, and she wanted to know. What Taehyung needed now were some concrete answers, someone who could give him insight on how Freya was doing without needing to actually confront her.


Taehyung clears his throat. "Irene?"

He can hear something drop on the other side, and then some incoherent stammering before, "Taehyung? Is that you?"

"I need to talk to you about something. Actually - someone."

Taehyung tries his best not to hear the dejected tone in Irene's voice when she replies. "Is is about Freya?"


She sighs. "Taehyung."


"Don't you think you hurt me enough? Can you please just let me be for once and stop giving me false hope that you actually were calling to talk to me? I love Freya to bits, but I would really rather not talk about her with you."

Taehyung nods. He was being irrational, an absolute dick right now, and he knew it. "Sorry. Sorry, I know I shouldn't ask this of you. We can talk about you if you'd like, like how your day is going or what you're gonna do this summer -"

"Taehyung," she chuckles breathily. "I'm hanging up now, okay?"

"Okay." he whispers.

Taehyung's world was slowly crumbling beneath this feet. 


this is so all over the place and filler but i wanted to get something out for y'all so hope you enjoy! taehyung is basically a hot mess right now and losing all his friends lmAO 

also i didnt really continue any plot so im sorry for leaving you without any conclusion for tae and freya         #frae holy shit lets go 

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