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Life as a college student in Los Angeles is wonderful, for the most part.

Taehyung shares an apartment with his close friend, Jungkook, during his years attending UCLA. His first impressions of Jungkook hadn't exactly been positive, as Jungkook had looked about fifteen and spent more time gaming than talking, but fast forward two years and they've become the best of friends.

Jungkook is a good housemate, too. He's fairly organized, and doesn't stoop about in Taehyung's belongings, for the most part.

He asks about Taehyung's pictures. Of Freya.

He decides to ask again today, after his shower, as they lie on the couch late at night. Jungkook has his laptop in front of him, but he's not looking at it. He's staring at those pictures, the polaroids Taehyung has tacked up on the wall. There's Freya in 1734, and Freya in 1823, and Freya in 1920, some with Taehyung, some without.

"Who's the girl?" her hears Jungkook ask quietly.

Taehyung shuts his eyes. "You've asked that before already."

"Why is she wearing those clothes? And why is that one so much older than the others?"


"Can you tell me her name, at least?"

Taehyung pauses. "Freya." The sound of her name coming out of Teahyung's mouth makes him ache with yearning, like he's drowning underwater and can't breathe. It comes out choked, and saying her name for the first time in years makes Taehyung crumble all over again.

Jungkook turns to face him, looking him square in the eye, and Taehyung shifts under his gaze. It's deadly quiet, as Jungkook whispers, "Did you love her?"

Did Taehyung love her? No, Taehyung still loves her. He nods his head silently in response to Jungkook's question, and that's all they say for the rest of the night.

When Taehyung turns the lights off, and Jungkook's already long knocked out, he can't help but wonder if she's here, because he is.


ayo guess who's writing when she should be studying for a very, very important bio test tomorrow??? this girl.  

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