Letter from Leia (2)

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Dear Secret Admirer,

I know I left the letter a bit late, but it did give me a chance to try and explain a few things. I'm not very good with it, I'll be honest.

First of all, with my family. The irony thing is that I do have a smelly older brother, but he doesn't live with me. My parents are getting pretty annoyed with him. Even I am getting annoyed and it gets me angry with him.

What sort of music I like? I mainly like Electronic music, but I can listen to other songs. I just need a good beat to listen to as I will sing to songs with lyrics to them. I've always had this tendancy to sing a lot, even when I was younger.

Are you into Electronic music? That would mean we're into the same music. I don't mind some music, as long as they have a good beat.

I just wonder what your name is as you're an advantage as you know mine, but I don't mind some mystery though. Although it does get me apprehensive.

You saw me in the library? I didn't know you saw me there. I do wear glasses as I have to wear them when I read. That's what I should be doing when I'm at home. I'm a rebel with that.

My questions for you this time are.

What subjects are you studying and what is your music taste?

I wonder what you study and wonder where you might have seen me and if we like the same music, that's cool.

Yours sincerely
~ Leia

PS. I really hope you're telling me the truth as I'm kinda that person who can be gullible for people. So please be truthful for me.

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