Letter from Martin (3)

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Dear Leia

I'm glad you wrote back. I do get worried about you and I wouldn't lie to you. I promise you this with my heart.

My subjects I study is German. You're in a subject I'm into on that one. I do see you around and we both do share classes together. I admire that you are very smart and intelligent when we are in class. Science is one of the subjects I see you in as well, in the core subjects.

I admit I am a popular guy who all the girls want but I'm not interested in girl who plaster their faces in make up. You know, I could tell them that the Oompa Loompas want their make up back but I don't want to. Might make them cringe and I don't mind trolling them about it.

I want to meet up with you someday, if that's OK. I will be nervous as I said to my friends that I want to be alone for a bit. I prefer them not being involved as they would make this worse for me, in my mind.

I will allow you to pick a time to meet. I'm happy with anytime, in or out of college.

Yours sincerely
~ Your secret admirer

PS. I hope to see you soon.

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