Letter from Martin (6)

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Dear Leia

I'll try to get hold of Simon for you. I can't guarantee it but I'll try anything. Simon might write a letter to you about it, if he can allow you to stay with him.

With regards to Martin, he does mention that he's regretful of what he did in secondary school. Whether it's about you or something else is another matter. I'll ask him about it and look into it. I have a feeling it could be about you though. It was Martin Petrov I was on about, but I didn't know you had a bad past with him.

I don't want you to be outside any longer as I heard a storm is heading in very soon, within the next day or two. I'll get Simon to write a letter to you quickly. I would prefer you inside, pictured with a hot chocolate in your hand with a smile on your face.

I must stop daydreaming and get you help very quickly. I promise that I'll help you.

Yours sincerely
~ Your secret admirer.

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