Letter from Martin (21)

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To Leia

I managed to track down Alesa. I had to ask her friends first and they found it weird that I would be looking for Alesa. I told them it was for a friend and they agreed to let me see her.

When I told Alesa about Adam having a crush on her, she didn't believe it at first. Well I don't blame her, but I showed her proof of it.

I remember at Adam's house for Christmas last year that we played Truth or Dare. Adam said Truth and I asked him if he had a crush. He said yes and Ty said to Adam on his next turn 'What is the name of your crush?' And he answered Alesa. I filmed it, so I showed her. She started blushing when she watched it.

I also told her if he approaches her to as her to go out with him, there is a condition that he must follow and that is to respect you. She agreed to that as she has seen what happened between you and Adam, so she wants to help me put a stop to it.

I also talked to Ty, Mitch and Jerome as well. They only did what they did to you because they were trying to look cool in Adam's eyes. I remember Ty had a bad past in primary school and Mitch and Jerome have been joint at the hip as those two are inseparable. I talked to them about you, Adam and Alesa and they agree that bullying is not cool. They have agreed to help me when I see him tomorrow. Adam isn't in today and Alesa will approach Adam as well.

I really need your lady luck to help us make this work. Could you come with me tomorrow? This might sound like a big ask but can you please?

Lots of Love
~ Martin

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