Chapter 13 Nip and a Bud

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Chapter 13

Nip and a Bud

Maleekha came up to the locker and start dancing  "  She a very freak girl , she get it from her mama, then you get her name then you get her number." 

 "Get it" Kayla Slammed locker " Thank god this day is over with. "

"Yes me too hunny , Count down so many days and hours left until we are out of this shit."she flipped her hair back.

"SO what do you have going on today?" asked  Kayla

"Well Im going to get me a fresh mannie and my eyebrows wax so I can be looking good I love stunning on these hoes they cant get enough of me"

" That is true, You know if you wasn't gay I would do so many things to you"

" Ms. Thang Im  shocked, you cant handle this monsta. "  maleeka laughed

"Yes I can , but I'm grateful to have you as an friend"

"Aww so nice"

"Oh shit I'm going to be late , chop is coming to pick me up"

 "Chop? who is chop?"

" Gurl I will let you about him later?" she gave a air kiss.

Kayla Private opinion


Damn there go Jarell, I hope he don't see me. I held my folder up to by pass him. Woo he didn't see me . I had to hurry up to get to the doctor because my appointment was at 3:30. Chop was waiting outside for me and I was happy to see him. He was looking sexy as hell.


 "Heller , How are you durrinn" she start crackin up "You dint like my Madea voice "

" Whats up ?, naw nothing like that just my brother still on my mind. You know its kind of hard for me to move on "

"Yeah I know how it is , so when is the funereal ? "

" I dont have no money for funeral, So I have to cremate him."

" Your family cant help you? "

Ant shook his head " Naw, they wont help out my family just evil like that, they didn't even want to take us in they figure we all was going to be like my mama and since they had took my mama in before she had stole a lot of shit they thought we was going to do the same thing. "

"Damn thats fucked up," said Kayla

"Mhm, yeah my grandma not living tho, she would have taken care of us .So I'm doing the taking care of I'm get my little sister to do right and finish school so she can be something in life."

"I herd that, but let me tell you this we was on News yesterday " said Kayla

"Word? how and the hell did we get on the new? "

"You know , when we was out that day and your brother those two policemen and we got away  they got my friend mama license plate number so I guess they going to finding us soon"

"Damn do you think we need to turn our self in I mean my brother did the crime, so I think  you should tell them because you got life worth  living for I don't have shit. I'm a 2x felon and I don't even have a family that really care about me. If I get jammed up I will never see the outside"

Kayla held his hand to comfort him.

"I'm sorry I was come to see you and write you and seen you some naked pics if you like:" she laughed

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