Chapter 21 Changing faces

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Chapter 21

Changing faces

Kayla P/O/V

Jordan hasn't said anything too me on the ride back home. He was excited before me got to the Hospital. I just listen to the music and let my hair blow in the wind. I had a lot of shit on my mind too all thought were wondering through my head. Like why did chop show up and he been there all day? What will happen if I gave Jordan a second chance ? What if I had Chop and continued my life with less stress and move on in my life ? I had a lot of questions.  I guess in time I will tell if  everything goes right ?


Jordan parked the car " Alright I guess I will see you tomorrow at school. "

"Wait I thought you was coming in?"

"Naw I don't want to I have to get this car back home and I don't want to intruded on you and your boyfriend if he comes over tonight "

She shruged  " Okay, you wasn't going too, but I guess I will see you tomorrow" 

She got from out the car and closed and watched Jordan drive off. Jordan took the freeway to get home and he arrived in 30 minutes. He open the door .

"Ma , I'm  home." said Jordan

She came down stairs  with her walking equipment.  " Everytime I come down here your in the kitchen . Boy your ass is going to be fat " she laughed

He kept looking in the refrigerator for something to eat.  " No ma' I'm not going to be I just got a high metabolism ."

"Why you sound all dry you usually have something quick to joke back on. Turn around and look at me is something on your mind "

" Naw not really,"

" Speak on it son."

He sat back on the counter " Ma' you really have to sit down on this."

"No, I can stand please go and tell me "

 Jordans P/O/V

Hear it go  my mom she is going to bring out here Dominican republic side. She knew a little english, but not that much . She might just cruse me out after she get done saying what she is going to say.


" Adelante hijo Dime"   <- Go ahead son tell me

"I have a girl pregnant her name is Kayla the one you seen me take to prom" <- I have a girl pregnant her name is Kayla the one you seen me take to prom.

She put her face on her head " Me siento un poco mareada" <- I feel a little faint

Jordan got up and called his dad to come down while he caught his mother " Dad  come help me"

His father came into the kitchen " Well dad mom fainted because I told her I have a friend pregnant the girl named Kayla I took to prom "

He father came in fanning her  " Are you sure it is yours son. You know these females will try anything to get some of our hard money that I worked for. "

"Yeah I know , but I'm sure Kayla is not one of those girls "

"Hmm you sure , why isn't she like one of those other girls.. what was here name sweetie?" 

"La' Toya" said his mother

"La Toya , we payed for her abortion so this girl can do the same. We dont want you with any kids right now your too young to take care of a kid can change your future and I can give you some money if you want to handle it."

Jordan grandmother rolled in her wheel chair laugh " Oh tu tan tonto nieto a estas mujeres embarazadas y yo soñé de algunos peces, peces, peces. Sí, le dije a tu madre que soñaba con algunos peces media vida nueva. ¿Quieres que mantenga no? <- Oh your such a fool grandson getting these women pregnant and  I dreamed of some fish, fishes, fish. Yes, I told your mother I dreamed of some fishes mean new life. You want her to keep it no?

"Yes , Grandma  I want her to keep it I love her"

"Sí, quieres mantenerlo, serás un tonto como tu madre. she rolled her chair out"He terminado" <-"Yes, you want her to keep it  do  you want to  will be a fool like your mother. " She rolled her chair out "I'm done"

"Mother I heard that " she got up from out of the chair  and looked her son in his eyes " I was young dumb until I met your father I wanted to  have the money, cars, and everything . I was pregnant with   my first born.  He told me to get rid of the baby in order to be with him. I did and I got this so tell her that and take the money and she will understand"

Jordan nodded and held his head down " Thank you"

"I love you son" they both said and walked away.

" Proud of you son." his dad smiled

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