Chapter 22 Runaway Love

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Chapter 22

Runaway Love

Trina P/O/V


Sitting up in my bed complicating on what I should do next. I woke up feeling soar again and I walked in the bathroom and looked at myself I was really fucked up. I let go of my bed gown and stood there crying I was fed up with life a suicide  tempt was thought of. I had to get out of here I had put on my clothes and got  checked myself out before Chop came come here. I had hitched a ride down to the police station I was about to report everything


She walked into the police station " I want to report on Domestic Violence"

The officer standing at the desk looked at her will this be for you or another person?"

"For me" she held on to her chest and tears was falling

She picked up the phone and called "Alright I will get see who I can get down here"

Trina grabbed a seat and sat down and looked around as people were going in and out in handcuffs.

"Can I make a phone call"  asked Trina

" Yes , you can just make it quick"

Trina picked up the phone and called her mother " Hello mama it's me"

"Where are you baby I've been looking  for you and your dad told me you had picked up your stuff where have you gone too."

"I'm here at the police station I have something I have to let you know just meet me down here"

"Okay baby I will be there soon" Trina  mother had got off the freeway to head down town.

"The detective came in asked her if she was ready to come in. Trina had looked out the door to see if her mother would come , but she was driving to slow so she went into the room.

The detective had closed the door behind him and Trina .

"You can have a seat right over here "

YOU HAVE TO GO TO KINDLETrina sat in the chair " Okay can we wait for my mother she said she was coming I need her support."

" Alright I can wait for 4 minutes  if not you might have to start without her " 

"Okay " said Trina 

5 minutes  had passed away and a tap was at the door.

"Hello" said Trina mother  "The officer walked me back here if that is fine?"

"Its fine" said the officer

"Okay  now that we had got both parties here I would like to start"

Trina took off her hood and her mother seen her face  " Oh my goodness baby what happen"

Trina held her head down " I will explain in a minute"

" Well I'm dective  Jones  for the recodor  " he slams his tap recorder on the desk"Go head and talk Trina "said the desk

Two days ago I had left with my sister and had went over to  my friend house. I left the house and  my dad warned me not to, but I did. Mama can you pass me a cigarette?" her mother grab a cigarette from her purse and gave it to Trina and lite it.  She blew the smoke in the air " Like I was saying I went over my friend La toya house and I just wanted to talk for awhile and I brought my sister. I was there at a drive by shooting I seen the  car , but you couldn't tell who was inside the car , but I want Justice for my little sister. SO during that night my father and I had got into it and had just said that I should just leave him and his family along and I did it so I went over my boyfriend  house he let me stay for the night. " she dropped her ashes in the ashtray. "SO he had a problem with me. He turned into this monster I never seen before. "He dragged me across ed and up and down the stairs and had choked me and pulled me back." I called for my friend  to come help me , but he found me on the phone in the closet and he had got mad. He thought I was about to tell on him what he did to my friend.

"What did he do ?" asked the dective

"He....." she took her puff . " He raped my friend Kayla.

"You wanted to confuse up to him beating on your and raping your friend ?"

"Is that correct, because you know reporting for domestic violence and rape is a big thing?" asked the detective

"Yes that is?"

" Alright give me the address please write it in this notebook and we will pick him up right away."

The officer had got up and had picked  up the notebook after she put down the address.

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