Chapter 16 Flashing lights

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Chapter 16

Flashing Lights

 Trina Private opinion


I kneeled right  beside the sofa next to my baby sister I put her in danger of bring  her over to this house. She was 4 years old and her Mama was going to kill and Our daddy was going to beat my ass. Before I walked outside carrying my little sister I had called my dad and told  him need to get over to my friend house. I  held her until the police came she didn't deserve to die it was truly my  fault. I cried and the paramedics was taking forever to get over here. Everyone was staring at me but I held on to my sister.



Trina cried with tears running down her eyes

 The person  from the crowd said " That is  sad"

People stood out in the street and kept looking finally the paramedics had showed up and had took Patrice from out of her arms . The police had went to check the rest of the house out and  Trina dad had pulled up.

"TRINA WHAT KIND OF BULL SHIT YOU GOT INTO NOW?" he looked down and saw her covered with blood .

The police had  stop him for going near where Trina was.

Trina cried some more.

" WHERE IS YOUR SISTER AT TRINA?" He shouted from the crowd " Excuse me officer I need to get over there my daughter are in there.

The officers had let him and his wife through and kept everyone else from coming in close.

" Where is your sister at Trina?" he asked her again but she didn't reply she just pointed  to where she was laying.

Trina was holding on to her dad and he pushed her off  him. His wife had ran over to where Patrice was laying with  the sheet over her body.

"OH MY GOD  MY BABY JESUS WHY NOT MY BABY ," Patrice mother had screamed and cried

Trina dad had comfort his wife and both cried together and he brought her back to the car to sit inside she walked passed Trina and slapped "YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU TOOK MY DAUGHTER LIFE"

Tears was rolling from her eyes and her dad eyes it was so much hate in his for Trina she really messed up.

" Daddy? you not going to say nothing to me."

"How long do I have to cover your mistakes Trina you didn't learn enough from the last time.Only I was trying to protect you and this family and all I asked of you is to stay away from this  house , but you disobeyed my orders and now my daughter is gone because WHY? YOU NEVER LISTEN TRINA YOU DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT. "WHY TRINA?" he cried  "BECAUSE YOUR GROWN RIGHT ? I DON'T KNOW WHERE I WENT WRONG WITH YOU I TRUSTED YOU I..I... JUST" he slammed the door and started the car to following the ambulance.

Trina put her hands on top of her head and watched the flashing lights as the police and paramedics did the investigation. They brought down Toya in a body bag and her brother and the little boy that was playing station. The news had showed up the

"DAMN, DAMN, DAMN"  she  repeated and kept walking back home to grab something. "Trina you really fuck this one up. I don't even think its worth living for. My  baby sister is gone and all the blame is on me who can I run too I cant even be here no more my daddy don't even care I was alive it might be better if I disappear for a minute where nobody can find me. Life is making me fucking sick right now I guess everyone is feeling the same way too I just lost my friend and that was her son that was playing the PlayStation. I will keep walking until I cant stop.

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