His bravery

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His bravery excited me even more. The fact that this complete stranger would risk his life just to make sure I made it home safe, Antonio became my night in shinning armor. Had anyone spotted us it would have been rumble in the jungle, but he was smart. We hadn't even touched the east side's territory before Antonio pulled his hoodie over his head. In that instance he became one of "us". His black hoodie made him blend in with the rest of the nigga's who walked the east side streets. It was a no brainer that my people didn't like his "kind", but his bravery killed the stereotypes. The Hispanics were considered dirty immigrants who took all the black folks jobs. Me personally I liked the Hispanics, they were sweet people, well some of them. For the most part the Hispanics were very friendly and a lot of them were going through the same things I was going through at home.

I felt so comfortable in his company that I wanted to spill my life story out, but I knew my story was too much for his ears at the moment. Once we left the party time slipped our minds. All that mattered was that I was spending time with the man that stopped me in my tracks. The fact that Antonio was so sweet and kind made me forget that my mom had just gotten off work made everything more clear, this was the man that I would go against the grain for. His presence brought peace to my mind. If he or anyone knew what I was going through at home, they would wonder why social services hadn't picked my ass up.

We talked about many different things, and even told a few secrets. I was hoping that somehow Antonio felt the same way I did. It was like everything in me was trying to avoid cutting time short. Had I not kept track of time my mother would have beat me home, and that would not have been a good scene.

Our conversation distracted us from the long walk to my house. Before we knew it we were standing face to face on my porch. "Thank you for takin a big risk like this. I appreciate it." Antonio smiled "You're welcome Ms. Stephanie." If dark skinned people could blush, my cheeks would have been rosy red. I looked over my shoulder to make sure my parents room light wasn't on. Grabbing him closer I proceeded to write my number on the palm of his hand with my favorite mac lipstick.

I kissed his cheek before I knew it. Looking over my shoulder I turned up the porch steps, "Call me tomorrow if I'm not on punishment." I flashed a smile before going in the house. I wouldn't forget this night for as long as I lived. I wanted to make sure I had one more good look at him, running to my room I watched as Antonio made his awkward walk back to his side of town. What he didn't know was I was the one who made sure he made it home safe. In some strange way I felt like I had to protect him, and with a small prayer I watched as God walked beside him.

I was thankful that for once someone was just as curious about me as I was about them. I knew this wouldn't be the end..only the beginning....

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