His Conscience...I dream of Rabbits

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Antonio was known for getting into trouble. Really if it hadn't been for our friendship/relationship, Antonio would be up the creek without a paddle. It seemed like every since we cut things off he had been back and forth with trouble. Getting his life on the right track for the sake of his child was the right thing, but his past stayed catching up. It was nothing new to me when I heard he was San Rita county jail. The system was out to get him. Our friendship meant the world to me. I wasn't willing to let Antonio go to jail. He was way too smart and ambitious to be sitting behind the system's jail cell.

Every now and then I would visit him after school. Put money is his account and made sure he had his personals. It was important that he was alright. Mrs. Garcia and I had developed a relationship for the sake of Antonio. I would drop his homework off and keep her updated on things. We would switch off in visiting Antonio in the county. His family deserve more time then I did. Time after time he was reminded that his time in county was only temporary. It seemed like the longer he was stuck between those four walls, the more he was losing his mind. He hated being away from Maria and the baby, but this was was consequences for the choices he made.


News was spreading around the city that Antonio wasn't the father of Maria's baby. I wasn't the one who wanted to give him the news. That would only devastate him even more. Whenever he wanted to talk about the situation I would change the subject. Maria wasn't my business and whatever was going on he would find out soon enough.

Deep down I was just as confused as he was. This is the one that he wants to be with, the woman that he wanted to a ring on her finger, the woman he cherished for bearing her body to his child. Why were these rumors surfacing? was it something that he didn't know about? A big part of me wanted to do my own investigating.

The same bitch that was out to get me, was now in the hot seat. All the lies she continued to tell Antonio would soon catch up to her. Sadly Antonio believed half the bullshit that she was feeding him. I wasted no time in trying to kill the rumors. Soon enough shit would hit the fan, and when it did I wouldn't be around to get hit.

You don't let temporary pussy cloud your head. Even though I wasn't around didn't mean he had to look to her. I hated Maria for what she had done. She took my first love away from me. Everything that I had wanted with Antonio would soon be hers.

Whenever it came to Antonio I had a sixth sense. I knew something would soon happen. Over the past few weeks I kept having a re-occurring dream of a rabbit chasing me with a gun, and every now an then Antonio would appear. Never once did he try to stop the bunny from pulling the trigger. It was pretty strange having those dreams. The last time I went to visit him everything had come together.

Antonio began telling me about something new he'd heard about Maria, as he was talking it was like I tuned him out and the radio tune had gotten louder. A man began singing the lyrics, "You come home late at night girl/ you know that I love you/You cheat and I can't seem to leave you/ everything you do will come back to you/ girl it ain't no fun when the rabbits got the gun."

His voice sent chills throughout my body. I could no longer look at Antonio. He was broken, torn, and depressed. I knew something was about to happen. I just didn't know when...

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