A Bet For Her Cookies

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Thank God for Google Translate ROFL! (im Cuban/Dominican..but English is my 1st language :) still trying to learn my Spanish...If I mess up...sue GT. :D ) Anyways...I'm trying to triple post and OMG I didn't realize I wrote 7 (plus these pages) pages! :) I'm enjoying the book like I'm in it :)

Shutting up.....


Mrs. Santos: Hello class! (waves to everyone) Today is assignment day! Everyone except Jassie...so to kick off class, here's Jassie!

Jas'marieé: (gets up in front of classroom) Thank you Mrs. S. Today, I'll be demonstrating a recipe for chewy cookies made by my great grandmother Gabriela Marie. God bless her soul. Anyways...All you need is baking soda, chocolate chips, milk, white sugar, salt, flour, brown sugar, 1 egg, an egg yolk, and melted butter!

Prince: (P.O.V.: She's fucking perfect! She can do it all...)(watches as Jassie makes the dough and begins cutting the dough into hearts. She puts some chocolate chips on before putting them in oven. Jassie smiled over at Prince and Prod as she wiped her hands and looked at everyone.)

Jas'marieé: Andddd...that's how you make 'Un Toque De Amor' as Gabriela Marie would say.

Mrs. Santos: Good job! We'll wait until after class to see the finishing result. Now what we are going to do today is look for recipes that only take 10-20 minutes to make. Grab your books and begin. And.. Deanna, will you be a dear and get our new students a book? (Deanna nods and walks into the supply closet. She takes out two glossy books and hands them to Princeton and Prod)

Princeton: Yo Jassie...that was a good demonstration. Mind if I write it down?

Jas'marieé: (smiles) Sure! She wanted to give it away to the world before she died.

Princeton: Awww...(writes down recipe)

Prod: Can't wait to eat one! (rubs tummy and opens recipe book)

Prince: (whispers to Jassie) As much as he eats, he should have muscle or some fat. Guess some of his genes skipped.

Jas'marieé: (laughs hard and gives dap) You didn't skip any I see, except for straight hair. (combs through Prince's hair)

Princeton: Let's just say...I love my puff!

Jas'marieé: (rolls eyes and smiles)(P.O.V.: The feeling's mutual)

{38 minutes later}

Mrs. Santos: Looks like Jassie's cookies are done! Jassie! Come on up for the final steps. (class claps with excitement and hunger)

Jas'marieé: Okaaaaay...so now the cookies are done. Now you get chocolate syrup and spread a little on top. Aaaaand that's your 'Un Toque De Amor'! (class claps as she hands out cookies to everyone except Prince)

Prince: Where's mineeeeeee? (pouts)

Jas'marieé: Right....here! (gives cookie to Princeton with a P on it.)

Prod: Why he get the special cookie? (pouts and eats his cookie)

Prince: Don't hate on my swag. I got the special cookie 'cause I'm special. (Eats cookie and eyes pop out wide) Wow! This is fucking awesome...I'm soooooooo keeping this on the road.

Jas'marieé: Go ahead! You already know the steps.

Prod: Yeah, you better make 'em Prince...or I'll go nuts.

Prince: Shut up, Prod. (finishes cookie and winks at Jassie)


(Final bell rings and everyone exits the school building besides Jassie, Brittany, and the boys.)

Brittany: Hey everybody.

Ray: Wassup Brit?

Brittany: (P.O.V.: Well hello, Ray!) How was everyone's day?

Roc: Good. (looks over at Jassie and smiles)

Prod: It was good...until SOMEONE got lucky today.(looks over at Princeton)

Princeton: It's just a cookie, fat ass. Just a sweet, good, (looks at Jassie and smiles) cookie.

Jas'marieé: (smiles)(P.O.V.: Alright...Princeton is like... too attractive. I think I just might like him...even though we just met today)

Roc:....?(P.O.V.: WTF?)

Ray: Anyways...I guess we should be hitting the road. You coming?

Jas'marieé&Brittany: (nods) Yeah!

Jas'marieé: Can I go to the bathroom first?

Brittany: Yeah...me too.

Boys: Sure.

(Jas'marieé and Brittany walk to the bathroom, leaving the boys alone)

Roc: What were you talking about, Princeton?

Prince: Huh? (looks at Roc)

Roc: About the cookie...(Prince raises an eyebrow) yeah, I seen the way you was looking at Jas'marieé.

Prince: She made cookies in last class and she just drew a P on top of mine. Why do you care so much?

Roc: (shrugs) No reason.

Ray: You like her, don't you Roc?

Roc: (P.O.V.: Captain Obvious.) I don't know...maybe? Its only been 1 day.

Prod: Cut the crap, man. You do.

Roc: (rolls eyes) So? If I really wanted her really bad...I can have her.

Princeton: In case you haven't noticed, she is way different than your ex, Cheyanne. You can't just HAVE her. You gotta give her a reason to want you.

Roc: Oh, please. You're such an asshole. She'd want me over you any day. (P.O.V.: Right?!)

Princeton: Roc, she's already hanging out with me today more than you. She knows that she's kinda into me way more than she'll EVER be into you.

Roc: (steps into Prince's face) Wanna bet?

Princeton: (P.O.V.: Why should I bet on a girl I like? This might set Roc straight, even though he likes her too.) Bring it. (pushes Roc out his face)

(Girls come out the bathroom and smile at the boys)

Jas'marieé: Hey...guys? (P.O.V.: Why are Roc and Prince pissed?)

(Boys begin walking to the front door with the girls. Prince tries to walk next to Jassie, until Roc bumps him out the way)

Roc: (swiftly places arm on Jassie's shoulder) So... where do you guys wanna go?

Brittany: Can we go eat something? I'm starving.

Ray: Same here.

Jas'marieé: Me too. I'm starving like hell. (rubs stomach)

Princeton: I can cook if you-

Roc: (interrupting Prince) I think we can pass on Betty Crocker and get some IHOP. (everyone stares at Roc)

Princeton: Whatever. (P.O.V.: Just for being an ass, you're so getting out of the picture with Jas'marieé.)

Prod: (puts arm around Brittany) This is gonna be one loooooooong day.

Ray: Very.

Brittany: Definitely awkward now...

Jas'marieé: (P.O.V.: What's up with these two? What's really good?)


Twitter: @iChemistryBro

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