Chapter 2- New Ropes

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Averi's P.O.V

I had to say I was hesitant at first, talking about my home to somebody who, only a few weeks ago, was trying to soccer punch me in the jaw. Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I guess all I needed was somebody to rant to about my life problems and just to let me be my bitchy self.

My first thought was about the Titans, what would they think if they knew I was sitting up here with a criminal? That's when I remembered how mad I was, and that every time I thought of them, my blood rushed completely to my head. Let them see me with Red X, it would be the perfect thing to throw in their faces.

"So that's the whole story." I said, finishing off the recap of my terrible day. "I am quite literally, now the packs greatest failure."

X, who had actually stayed quiet through this whole time, listening to what I had to say, just simply shakes his head. "I just can't believe that Bird Boy did that. I knew he stretched thing a little, but that?"

I nodded. "Yeah, he would have had his throat ripped out if there weren't so many people to be witnesses." I lean back and prop myself up on my arms. "But, it doesn't matter now, because I'll be gone hopefully by tomorrow."

It was like I could feel his muscles tense, even if he didn't show it. "Why would you want to go back, after you've been here for so long now?"

I just smirk, looking off to the side. "I'm sick of having to pay for something I never wanted in the first place! Why should I have to suffer for this when I could just go home and live whatever life I have left."

He was quiet for a moment. "If you actually think your going to die, then why are you trying so hard to reject help? I've known who the Titans are since the team began and they have done some pretty miraculous things since then."

I look back at him, leaning up to where we were only a foot away. "When Raven asked how Beastboy could see the good in Terra after all the bad things she's done, everyone looked at me. If they can't trust that blonde bitch, then how can they trust me, because I'm pretty sure that Terra hasn't killed someone before!"

"But that's just how Werewolves are." X's voice had grown angry, not at me, but at something else. "It's not right how they judge you just because of how you were raised. There's nothing wrong with following your kinds ways, and they should realize that!"

"I know right!" I slap both my hands down on my knees. "It's like everytime I try and give them advice, like how to work better as a team, they always make it sound like I'm asking them to become some kind of drug dealing gang. They can't just get it out if their head that I'm not a savage beast like the sorry pricks on the news say!"

He lets out a long groan. "They have been bashing me ever since I put on this damn suit. It's like their ignorant criticism never ends." He looks over at me. "But a fearless wolf like you shouldn't be bothered by words, you do things that those ass kissers could never imagine."

I snort under my breath. "I wouldn't say fearless, when I fell into the water today I almost drowned in my own stupidity. I'm not even gonna bring up walking  through those thin caves. I felt the walls closing in, and I couldn't breathe." I put both hands on my forehead, trying to calm my pulsing heart. "It was utterly humiliating, someone so hardcore being afraid of something that not even living!"

"Why the fear?" He asked, but I just hold up my hand.

He seemed to get the message as I send him a small glare. "Don't push it X Man, your lucky I'm telling you any of this at all."

He just shrugs, looking away again over the city. "Everybody has fears, and us Earthlings really don't care what scares you."

"But Werewolves do." I cut him off. "On my world, it's survival of the fittest, and that's means that your life is constantly on the line. There is no room for fear when you're fighting to stay alive, which is what I'll be doing when I go back because I'm gonna be the funniest thing to happen since my father married my mother."

I flop down on my back, rubbing my forehead with my hands. I could feel his gaze on me, but I just chose to ignore him as I wallowed in self pity. I knew going back would be the most embarrassing moment of my life, I mean come on, me getting kicked out of a superhero team of Earthlings, how pathetic can you get?

I almost fell off the roof when he leaped to his feet, looking down at me on my back. "Come on." He says, holding out his hand to help me up.

I hesitated for a second before slapping his hand away and standing up on my own. "Why? Are we gonna take a hit out on the Titans?" I paused before adding. "Because I would be ok with that."

He chuckles as he turns to walk to the corner of the roof. "You know forests, I know cities. I've lived hear for years, and I've practically mastered this place." I was surprised at his words. "You say you feel lost here, like you don't know how to survive. Well I know how, and I'm gonna show you."

I was suddenly very interested. "And how are you gonna do that?"

"By showing you what makes this place fun." He presses a button on his belt before turning back around to face me. "Unless you're too afraid."

The look he gave me after that just made my blood boil, and it reminded me of when my friends would tease me like that. "Do you know who you're talking to?" I ask, a smirk covering my face. "Warrior assassin? Champion Hellhound fighter? I'm not afraid of anything."

He nods. "Good."

Before I could ask anymore questions, he swirls around on his heels and leaps off of the building, which was at least 20 stories tall. I run to the edge as I seen him diving head first toward the streets, and I just had to facepalm. Did this guy have a thing for jumping off stuff?

Following close behind, expecting to have to save his ass, I take a running start and jump off the edge. This was nothing to me, because cliff diving is just another mindless game we played back home.

I shot straight downward, feeling the wind between my wings as I caught up with him, both of us plummeting to the ground.

"We're both crazy right?" I shout over to him.

He gives a slight nod. "That's what people tell me."

He suddenly disappears over my head, but then I realize that he had just come to a dead stop in the air, actually levitating. Ok, I was not expecting him to be able to do that.

I pull up and fly back to his side. "Got a new upgrade I see?" I gesture to his belt, which was now glowing a bright red.

He shrugged. "Would you actually expect me to jump from one of the tallest building in the city and not have a plan?"

I couldn't fight the smile. "Can't argue with that."

He takes off around the side of the building, and I follow close behind as we maneuver through the backstreets. This certainly was not new to him, it was easy to tell by how naturally he swerved around the corners without even touching the narrow walls.

"You seem to know your way around in the air." I fly upward to where I was a foot above him. "And you don't even have wings."

He twirls round on his back in mid flight, still managing to avoid hitting a gate that split the ally. "Who said you need wings to fly?"

Before I could respond, he jumps forward, doubling his speed as he flies out above the open streets. Cars were packed onto the streets below, honking their noisy horns at each other like that would actually solve the traffic problem.

Just for fun, I close my wings and land on the roof of a car, then begin running on foot as I hopped from vehicle to vehicle, cutting a few backflips every now and then. X just watched from above as I got angry shouts from the car owners, and I could see him actually laughing.

"I don't think these people want boot prints on the hoods of their cars." He says as I fly back up to meet him. "Earthlings have a strange addiction to their four wheeled automobiles."

"That's easy for me to understand, I live with Cyborg." I thought back to when me and Beastboy played that prank on Robo my second day in the tower. "I think his wires were tied a little too tight."

He tried to fight a laugh, but failed miserably at it. "You're nothing like what I expected, Princess." He looks over at me. "Unlike all those heroes back at the tower, you know how to live."

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