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Mia's Pov

We reached our destination around midday , the place is beautiful and peaceful. The teachers give a tons of advice and guidance which were required. The tents were set up , in each tent around 10 students can fit and Nicki and me are in the same tent! The plans set up for now is we will be having lunch and then we will go out in groups to explore the place. Then evening plan will be dinner with campfire! Sound exciting to me!

'Mia! Come help to organise for the lunch preparation!' I heard Kate asking for help.

'Yes, I'm coming' I replied back while looking at Nicki being entirely busy around all her friends. Walking towards Kate, and i start helping her to set up the lunch with all the teachers' help too.

Nicki's Pov

The place look amazing , its a great place to clear up our confused mind and its needed especially as final are coming and with all the fights i am having with Mia! So , when i learnt we are sharing tents i became nervous, as from far if i stare at her she won't notice but in the same tent ,things can get out of control! But anyways , its good i can look upon her at nights also! All the plans set up are cool and i look forward to spent them with Mia mostly.

I hate it when she give so much attention to Kate! It annoys me but then I get reminded that if I would talk with her she would have been talking this much to me. I feel something weird!

Mia's Pov

Lunch time flew by quickly now we all will be off for trekking. I took my camera with me and a bottle of water and Kate joined me. We followed the guidance of teacher while trying to be all together following the map so that we don't get lost. Nick was around her friends not too far from me, we were basically glancing at each other from time to time just to make sure that all is fine.

While walking down the sloppy path I found a purple flower gathered with small rocks it was worth to be captured, so I took out my camera and start to find a right angle to capture it. Kate told me that she is going ahead I nodded to her continuing to get the best focus on the picture. In fraction of second , I felt Nick grabbing my hand and pulling me against her then I realised what went wrong.

Nicki's POV

We were off to trekking to explore more about the place. It's a mountainous place with lake views and lots of nature beauty. I saw Mia with a camera in her hand I wasn't surprised, knowing her it was natural she is a photographer freak she is extremely particular about her passion for photography. I was not too far from her. I make sure she is right in front of me. Suddenly I saw Kate going forward and she was left behind, I became more alert because now she was left alone. I guessed now she is really careless. I saw her losing her balance while trying to capture that picture so I hurried to be by her side. She stumbled , ready to hit the ground I grab her one hand pulling her closer to me and I felt she rest her head over my chest with eyes closed fearing of getting fall. She looked adorable, all I was thinking was how to justify this action if mine but it felt nice holding her this close. I kept holding her and when I feel her moving. I let go of her, making her stand well and I heard her whispering 'thanks' to me.

I snapped on her and I remove all my anger on her.

' Oh please, I saved you because I didn't want a scene to be created. You are a drama queen ,these things are pretty normal for you but I simply didn't want to let you be the reason to ruin my fun and my friends' fun. So no need to say Thanks.' I said in a frustrating cold tone, almost regretting it the second I end up saying it after I look at her face which seem to be ready to cry any seconds but hey she looked frustrating too.

'Sorry and Thanks' she said softly moving away to join Kate.

Maybe....I should have being more polite??

Mia's Pov

'Not to ruin her fun ,her friends' fun?? Like really...who cares! I was the one who would have fall, so what's the problem? She saved me and can't even say that she did it for me!  I always get shouted..why! I have no idea. If she can't see me hurt , can't she just talk with me again? Damn all these only confuse the heck out of me!' I muttered to myself storming off to join back Kate and others.

I joined the group ,took some mesmerizing pictures of the lake and even got to capture some sunset pictures. I turn back to look for Nicki as usual she was gathered with a group of friends! Can't she be without them for even a while! Anyways her wish!

'Mia, let's go get change for the campfire thing!' Kate said exhausting.

'Ya , you got a point. The sun has already set ,soon it will start to be dark. We should get ready' I said agreeing to her.

Nicki's Pov

Everyone start to prepare for the next event which is the camp fire , Mia has being avoiding me yet glancing at me from time to time. I can see frustration written all over her face but she look damn cute like that, i can handle it! I saw a bunch of my friends who are my English classmate planning the camp fire event now this is troublesome ,considering that they have a particular hate for Mia. I do hope things do not get ugly. I tried get an insight about what's cooking between them but i was excluded by them so it was sure that something is doubtful.

Anyways , i went back got changed into a  long black trouser  with blue top with a blue denim jacket on. It was already dark. All start to gear up for the event. In dark ,it was a bit tough to really track Mia but still the try was on as usual.. i sighed as i finally realizing that i am really tracking Mia. After 45 mins which is a really long time. I noticed Mia.

Her perfectly fit white dress just above her knee paired with black leggings made me noticed her more as white really popped out in dark more. She looked gorgeous with her hair tied up but something felt weird with her walk of walking. She was walking in a staggered way , she was in a joyful mood which is weird considering the event happened before and most important she looked tipsy. What the hell! Is she drunk? She might get suspended if she get caught by the teachers that will ruin her so far good record that she loves to maintain. I was way too occupied in my thoughts to notice her standing right in front of me with a utter cute constant smile as if the smile was only for me and i was being victim by her constant  stare which i must say intensified the atmosphere even more.

After some minutes, when she tried to walk away.  I managed to get hold  of her hand grabbing her close to me making her stand right in front of me. I keep holding her before i shoot a long list of questions to her

'Mia, are you drunk?'

'C'mon say it where the hell did you get that stuffs, you know it's not allowed!'

'You could have told me atleast'

'Damn now what if you get caught'

To which she simply respond in a whining way.

'I diddd  nott  g et  dr unkk' After which she start to laugh at me as if mocking at me. Damn this girl!

'Every drunk person say this itself Mia, things like this are mostly not admitted' I said pulling her with me. She left me no choice now i have to stick her by my side for the rest of the evening not that i mind it though..

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