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Nicki's Pov

The more this relation is getting deeper and intense , the more i am having fear. Fear of being exposed. The way we look at each other, the way i can't keep my hands off her when she is near, the way she smiles when she is with me. All have being noticed especially by those classmate of mine and by now we have to stay apart in college. Mia can accept everything easily but not me. I can't endure the glance of people being disgusted with me. I am leaning onto Mia a lot lately when she try to go away even for a bit. I felt panic trail throughout me. I hope she continue to have the same understanding. 

Mia's Pov

It's being 3 weeks since this game is on. How can i not look at her when she is just few miles away from me. How can i not react when i heard her names , when i see her smile. It's getting harder and harder. It is more like a long distance relationship. The moment i see her mingling with others , it stabbed my heart. I lost my reasoning power and when i lose my patience we have those huge arguments. But then i missed her again and we sort out everything with a message or phone call.

'Baby , i can't call you. There is my parent , my sister around me. We will talk soon. Miss you. Love you.' I annoyingly throw the mobile onto my bed as i paced around my room again. She has no time for me. Clearly no time! It has repeatedly happen since 2 weeks now. I could not help but feel unwanted. I wanted her warmth again ...i wanted her touch...her words that make me feel love. But she was no where.

Nicki's Pov

I am aware of my carelessness that is perhaps pissing her off but seriously no texts from her side got me worried yet annoyed. I happened to catch glimpse of her when i was joining the English class but i could not stare at her like i would have normally because we were being 'watched over'.  I did felt her glance on me but i could not react even if i so wanted to smile at her. I could not. Upon the ring of the bell , she walked past me with Kate instantly by her side. It did pinched me.

'What's going on?' Quina asked me worriedly as i sat there motionless with a blank emotion pasted over my face. I nodded my face negatively as she settled next to me squeezing my hand and making me faced her. 'Come on , speak up! Is it about you and Mia? Did she hurt you?' She asked in a protective tone to which i just could not speak up and i just  frantically nodded my head portraying negative as an answer. 'It must be her! And if she made you in such a state, i will definitely teach her a good lesson' She completes as she began to move away. 'It's me, who is hurting her by not acknowledging her the way she should have' I held her hand to prevent her for moving away and i managed to whisper. She heard me out and she tried to console me by saying an endless list of positive quotes. And she gave me a friendly hug which did make me feel better but i missed my Mia. I wonder how she is.

Mia's Pov

I simply sat there aimlessly. The thoughts of Nicki haunts me. I can feel her touch , her warmth that is coming within my embrace but i missed out to feel them just with a bit of moment. We are drifting apart yet i feel her close. It's complicated. 

'You both had a fight' Kate asked as she lean over the table next to me. 'No , it's just that the lecture is boring.' i nervously try to cover up. 'Shut up. Do i look dumb? I know you think so but what is the matter with you? You seemed to be in depression.' Kate blurt out her thoughts on me. 'I am not depressed!' I snapped at her defensively. 'Mia, say it come on...your eyes is shouting the truth.' She kept calm and she approached me again. I start to tear up. She held my hands tightly in her grip and she tried to hush me and prevent me not to cry as we were in class. When i managed to subside the tears of mine. She looked sternly at me yet with a worried expression trying to make me confess to her what is the matter. 'I miss Nicki....so bad..so much that it hurts to breath now.' I managed to expressed it to her in one line about how miserably i miss my girl. 

'So go be with her. What is the problem?' Kate urged me to complete the missing part which make everything clear like crystal. 'She does not want me when others are in the same frame of us. She wants this to be secret. I have not seen her nor hold her within 2 weeks. We are drifting apart yet i am falling for her more.' I desperately described my feelings to her to which she quietly sink in everything within her. 'She is being unfair. But if it's love all is going to be fine'  She said as she squeezed my hand passing some strength and positive vibes down to me ..perhaps it can be a happy ending.

Nicki's Pov

I struggled mentally with a lot of thought. One side of me wants to held Mia in front everyone and the other side wants to leave everything as it is going on. 'Baby , i miss you. Love you. I am off to completes some work at the cyber cafe. Do talk to me soon. I will wait' I read on her texts repeatedly. 'Love you too baby.' I managed to  text her back. Her text did brighten up my mood that's her effect over me. 

'Nicki, I am still around waiting for you. You do know you still love me.' I heard a familiar voice. Calvin. It was the guy i have already broke up with. Love...Love is Mia to me. I don't love anyone else. This is just a side of life that just don't dwell into the past. I left it behind it come forward on it's own. I don't have intense feelings for him. But i can't even ill treat him. Will Mia ever understand this?

Mia's Pov

I walked down the road on the way to the cafe. I wanted some alone time. Maybe just to clear my mind. Every relationship has it's up and down. I wanted her though. I felt worn out. I just want to hold her close and never lose her. I have an unknown fear of losing her. It is far away from being a secure feeling.  Lost in my thoughts , i bumped into someone in the cafe spilling coffee all over the guy. Damn!

'Can't you see? Are you blind? Bloody insane people' He spit out his list of bitter words. I nudged his arms grabbing his attention. 'Mr Whatever. I am a sane person who happen to accidentally ..i repeat accidentally bump into a highly overconfident and rude person. And yes I excuse you'  I said in a sarcastic tone as i turned to walk away. 

He dragged me back in front of him by firmly grabbing my hand. 'Firstly don't dare to walk away when i talked. Second , its Ryan not Mr Whatever. Thirdly , Miss Whatever I excuse you. Fourth i need a new shirt and a respectful apologies message.'  He speak up each words with an extreme attitude which pissed me off. He has the same attitude as Nicki. Both hot headed people. Why should i always deal with people like these. 'Go ..to ..HELL and  yeah i don't give a damn about your one two three list and yes I'm Mia not Miss Whatever. Get it clear.' I burst out expressing my overly messed emotions that i have being experiencing with Nicki and even with this damn person attitude. 

When i turned around to walk away. 'Mia! At least buy me a coffee' I heard the newly met boy voice and it was not with extreme attitude and i felt myself turning around and stepping towards him to compensate for the guilty i have within me for misbehaving after spilling coffee onto someone while being lost in Nicki's thoughts.  Insensitive of me. I thought as i brushed off any thoughts and i just take the ride that life is going to present me and dwell me into.

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