It's Complicated

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Nicki's Pov

Mia have being sleeping peacefully for more than 2 hours and now it was time to leave so i got to wake her up not matter how much i don't want to. 

'Mia , get up' I said while nudging at her arms to wake her up. To which she only responded by snuggling more closer to me.

'We have to go ,get  up.' I pulled her hands. She opened her eyes and looked at me. 

'You feel better?' I asked as i placed my cold hand against her warm forehead to check her fever and it was getting better. 

'I'm fine.' I heard her voice almost like a whisper. 

'We got to leave. Get ready. I'll wait for you.'  I left the tent and i stand out.  The trip was over. I had some beautiful moment in this place. As i wander around, i felt a pinch in my heart that i'm not going to have such moment again once i'm back home.  I saw Mia come out and she looked gloomy maybe because of the cold she had or maybe she felt the same as i did. 

'Thank you for an amazing trip' I heard her saying as she came closer beside me. 

'Thank you for making me experience something i can include in my life memories' I said while she looked at me smiling and we both know we experience and made a beautiful memory together within this place. It felt like something we could claimed as ours.

As we drift apart in distance as we got in the bus. I was around my friends and she was around hers. But this time , by  heart we felt closer. Each time she was sneezing , i was getting the urge to go and grab her and keep her closer to me but situation was not in my favor. My attention was glued on her, her face expression changes from sad to happy and then she blushed and then i realized maybe it was because of the pictures we captured as she was constantly looking at her camera. And i felt jealous! She had our memories in a picture but i don't! The thing i was satisfied was she smiled. And i realized i'm losing control over my heart and i'm loving it.

Mia's Pov

The trip got over. We are back to school. My cold got better but the sneezing is still there.The funny thing was that every time i sneezed and i'm around Nicki, she looked at me and passed me a stern yet caring look. We grew closer after this trip and i liked it. 

Exams are around the corner , all students are working hard. Me and Nicki have decided to study English together , we got to prepared the notes and all the stuffs and it was a good opportunity to spent some extra time with her. Sometimes she get moody , but she is cute...i like her in her way...or maybe i love her?

I was walking down the stair , i felt her presence around me and i immediately glowed into happiness. Damn i wish she knew what she does to me.

'Mia, wait!' She called for me and we walked side by side. It was a free period so she decided to catch up with me and we could discuss about the revision schedule. We sat down next to each other after chatting about random stuffs , i felt her getting serious.

'Mia, do you have a boyfriend?' She asked while looking at me.

'Oh come on don't you you know me? No i don't have. I never got to meet someone special and yes  maybe the strictness of my family is partially to be blamed for this!' I said in a joked way while laughing.  

'Miss Mia, i promised to tamed you in my way and make you live life fully. You should have a boyfriend. Have a first kiss and have sex! Experience life without any restriction set by family.' She said in a serious tone causing my laughter to subside.

'Do you have a boyfriend' I could not help my curiosity and i just shot it at her. She became hesitate and then she slowly started to narrate a part of her which i was not aware.

'Yes i did had a boyfriend but he is an on and off situation. He is wrong for me i know. My family  don't approved of him. And he is not serious and neither i am. So you know how it is.' She released it all.

Truth to be told , i did felt bad that she had a boyfriend but i should not felt so. Yet again damn emotion. Emotions should be banned and held guilty always!

Nicki's Pov

I had or have a boyfriend. The status is complicated and we are not so damn serious. I felt the need to let Mia know about it. As i said it all. I felt her expression changing. She was not laughing out heartily. 

'I'm happy that i could be that person with whom you shared this. Its a huge thing for you to do i know because you share less about your personal life. I appreciate it.' She said in a genuine tone. While we stood there and the silence start to take over the place. We stayed there for a long time until it was time to leave for home. On the way back home, we walked by each others side. She looked at me and smiled. 

'Bye, see you soon.' She said softly as she squeezed her hand into mine.

'Bye, we will meet after weekend.' I said while holding her hand until she left. 

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