Bitter Fight

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Mia's Pov

I watched her steps as she paced around constantly. I tried calm her down but no use. She looked stressed and worn out just because of a trivial thing. My mind has literally run out of ideas how to calm her. I wish that her eyes reflects the happiness that I used to notice always when she was closed to me. I wish I could hold her like I always do. I am here..She is right here..The love between us is still there..then why such distance. 

Enough now this has to stop. I moved towards her stepping in front of her to put make her stand still. 'Baby calm down, i promise nothing will go wrong' I whisper to her while pressing my body more into her , holding her by her waist as she struggled. 'Nothing will ever be alright and this is all because of you.' She spit out bitterly while shoving my hands from her waist and she pushed me away from her. 'Calm down love , you really don't mean this. All will get better.' I said calming as i tried to reach out and hold her hands again to which she moved even far from me. 'Just don't get near me. This is all because of you. I did told you we won't be meeting in college. Now everyone have noticed us. We will be outed. All because of you!!' She said while raising her voice even more. 'I did not planned it out. I just had to be there for printing purpose. You touched me. You came near me. Is it my fault if my body reacted to tour touch. And you are overreacting because no one saw us. They just saw us leaving the printing room that too i was far from you! So just stop ok!' I snapped at her while moving away.

She dragged my wrist and pulled me back in front of her. 'No one leave while i am talking. Especially you don't have that right. I am not finished yet' She said while grabbing my shoulder and yanking me to her.  The next moment she was shoving me against the wall as i fidgeted trying to get out of her grasps . She snapped one hand on the wall tile while her eyes are settled firmly onto me. 'You are no one to decide whether i am overreacting or not! I told you you are ought to do what I say.' She said sternly as her hold on my wrist got firmer. I squeezed my eyes shut to bear the pain. 'Now just get out and don't get in front of me unless i ask for you' She said bitterly as she moved past me. Her back against me and her harsh words make my heart pained more than it can endure. Tears threatening me to make their way out as I felt myself free from her. I felt unwanted , cold and alone yet i felt a sense of warmth amidst all these coldness by the love I still have for her that reside within the heart of mine.

Nicki's Pov

As i heard the sound of her steps fading in the void space of mine. I felt myself drowning more into guilt and remorse. I was harsh , way too cruel. But i have my reasons and she happened to be in front of me. The only person i could vent out my anger onto. I love her way too much to lose her. The hatred , taunts of others will only act as a barrier between us. If our relation get disclosed , all will make us drifted away from each other.

'I love you' the beep of my mobile grabbed my attention and as always I know she won't hate me even after this. ' I love you more and I'm sorry?' I typed it several times trying to figured out whether i should send it or not. But finally i choose not to. I'll make it up for her later on. I just need to clear my mind for now. As i walked out , i encounter Clavin. I wish to move away before he gets to me but i could not. Deep down within me , this is just another thing to be added in my guilt list as i feel guilty more and more of  keeping secrets from Mia.

Mia's Pov

I walked towards the Cafe still double checking my mobile. My heart sank looking at the screen of my mobile. I feel heavy. I needed Nicki to feel better. I settled down pushing myself more into paper works for the exams preparation. I felt the presence of Ryan a bit far from me. He usually throw pick up lines on me but today even he does look weird. I guess today is just a bad day for everyone. I struggled whether to reach out to him or no. I felt myself inclined more into avoiding him. I just did not want to mix into more complicated things I miss Nicki. I want Nicki at any cost. I don't care she shout , screamed, hurt me but i want her. She is the beat of my heart. I was feeling suffocated , i moved out of the Cafe moving past Ryan to get some fresh air.

'Just stop right where you are' I heard a familiar voice after a couple minutes of walk that i was having to calm myself. I turn back realizing that the familiar voice is actually Ryan. I was mentally disturbed by everything around me. 'Why should I? Why should I keep following everyone order?' I said in a defensive tone as i turned myself to see him. ' Because no one leav...' He started only to be interrupted by me. 'Yes of course NO ONE LEAVE WHEN YOU ARE TALKING!!!!' I said clearly as my teeth gritted while stretching on each and every word more than it is needed. I was hell annoyed by both of them behavior. Like enough of all. 'Hey stop! It's your fault! You freaking ignored me. You skip coming to the Cafe and i needed you. You just walked past by me like I am a stranger! And here you are yelling at me!' He said with a tone full of sarcasm. 'I don't get it. Why do I not have the right you guys have! Always everyone else will talk and I will listen. This is not fair!' I start to ramble everything that does not make any sense and he continue to stare at me. I felt like giving up on everything and especially every people around me. 

'This is fucking not fair! Everyone ignored me according to their own convenience. Everyone!' I sobbed as he came near me and engulf me in a soothing hug. After a while when the sob subside, he awkwardly move away from me. It was an embarrassed situation. 'Thanks' I voiced out my genuine feeling. 'Your welcome, I bet I was helpful its good you vent all on me. At least you have someone...' He said as  we continue to walk without uttering a word. 'At least you have someone..' My mind continue to processed his last few words.. as I continue to look at him. He does look sad. His words were too deep today and I wonder what could that actually mean.

'Well you have someone , you are not walking alone right. I am a friend of yours. so?' I said in a happy tone trying to cheer him up. 'I know you are here.' He said while avoiding my glance. 'Then look at me and utter the truth! What is wrong?' I pressured him to split out the truth. 'I will tell you when the right time come trust me ..I will' He said genuinely as we continue our walk. What i was doing , i had no idea but seeing him down made me unhappy in a way. Am I going on a wrong path? Am i being wrong to Nicki? I can't be without Nicki yet I can't let this guy unhappy on his own. 

Nicki's Pov

I genuinely feel bad spending time with Clavin not because he is my ex but when i think of Mia , all this look like a huge mess. Why can't love be less complicated. Everywhere there is Mia for me yet when she is with me , we fight like hell!  

'Nicki, do you remember the times we used to be here for a long time?' I heard Clavin was cherishing some old moments of us. While my mind was wholly taken up with reminiscence of all good moments of me and Mia. I missed her. 'Yes but it was old time now things have change Clavin , so how is life going on?' I traced a line between us as i quickly change the topic not to make the situation more awkward. ' Ever since i clear out things with you and you became my friend , things have become more easy for me.' He said in a genuine tone but i can't figure out whether it is fake or the truth. 'I bet things are easy but i'm not easy! Remember that!' I said in a serious tone and he let out a fake laugh. 'I know ..I know , come let's go have your favorite ice cream? We can right as friends ?' He asked and I went for it.  Am I being unfair to Mia? This was the only thing eating me up. I hope no..because I love her too much to lose her. 

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