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Mia's Pov

It's being two weeks since Ryan's incident. That conversation was not brought up again by any of us. Ryan is recovering. I have being spending more time with Ryan that I really ought to. I feel that I am being unfair with Nicki. Nicki and I have being into fights more often now. Lack of communication and time is perhaps the reason but I still feel that I do ought to be honest with her and at least inform her about Ryan but it just hard considering the way she is possessive about me. My mind processed with a trail of thoughts as I walked down the streets making my way to meet Ryan who had things to talk about. As I noticed couples walking down the streets hand in hand , a series of events flashing back again in my mind.


'Miaaa.. Stop! I can't run now.' Nicki groaned as I rushed past her showing off with her packets of chocolate as she runs for it. 'You want this right then come get it!' I said as I munch on another bit of chocolate mocking at her as I run a little more far from her. I turn around only to find her panting while she stayed rooted where she was.  'I can't ..' She uttered. ' We can share it. I don't mind.' I said while biting on the chocolate she pulled me closer by placing her hands over my waist. 'Well, I have my way of sharing it.' She whispered to me while she start to make her way to my lips but her action was disturbed with the beep of my phone. 'Got to take that..' I excused myself taking up the call. 'I'll get there. Promise just stay calm.' I start giving Ryan the do to list till I get there. He was having a panic attack and I got to be there. I quickly inform Kate by a text.

I stood next to a clueless Nicki who is eyeing on me from top to bottom with an intense stare. 'What?' She said with a tone full of sarcasm. 'I got to go , someone need help with the project work..' I stammered as I lied again to the love of my life. 'To hell with your work , helping charity work you do! You are freaking ignoring me!' She start to throw her tantrum as she stormed her way away from me. 'Hey its important , I got to go. ' I said pleading to her while nudging at her arms to grab her and see her. 'Oh come on. Every time you got an excuse. Every time!' She jerked away my hand. 'I did spent time with me. It's an emergency I  got to go now baby.' I said while stroking her hair to which she stayed still without reacting to my actions. 'Just go who knows in whose arms you are going to be now.' She spit out bitterly. 'What did you say?' I try sink in the meaning of her words. 'Just what you heard!' She said sternly. 'Did you really think this about me..?' I asked in disbelief as fresh tears streamed down my cheeks. 'Yes I did! '  Her words reflect no regrets which pinch my heart more. 'I was just going there...' I try muster up courage starting with the first move  to spill out the truth only to be interrupted by my phone ring which was Kate reflecting on the urgency my presence was required there. ' I need to be there. Will text you. I love you.' I whispered enough for her to hear about me. 'Yes sure why the heck you are still here. Just go!' She shouts at me as my attention got drift to my phone again. 'Bye!' I whispered as I grab my phone heading on my way. 

Flashback End

It was bitter argument which got settled within one day. That's our relation itself maybe. We fight and make up within hours...I hope it stayed this way itself though.  'Hey gorgeous.' I heard the cheering voice of someone close to me. Glancing onto him as he settled next to me. 'Hi.' I react back to his greeting as he flashed his smiles to me. 'What your thinking about Miss Whatever?' He asked in a teasing tone. 'Well what you are not aware to know Mr Whatever!' I giggled as he flashed his disappointing look. 'I can never win in words with you. You have every answers.' He whispered in a low tone faking a sad face. ' Shut up you drama queen!' I snapped my hand over his shoulder playfully. We catch up on each other daily life and college life. Until he turn serious. 'I got to tell you something.' He said in a serious tone. 'Well say anything but don't propose me ok?' I chuckle while he stayed quiet. 'Ok ok , sorry. Say anything. I'll hear you out.' I convinced him by taking the whole situation seriously. 

'Won't you ask why I did all that the other day?' His eyes reflect his confusion as he tried to solve his questions. 'Well I am waiting till you get comfortable to talk about. ' I said casually as he continue to stare at me. 'Isn't it a problem for you? Are you not bother when I keep disturbing you.' He continue with his list of questions. 'Well I am your friend Ryan! I'm not disturb ok! Get it in your mind stupid! ' I tried convinced him that it's ok which is seriously ok with me. 'Well it was my sister's death anniversary. She died in a car accident which is not an accident for sure...' He start letting go of his secret as he inhaled deeply reflecting his pain. 'Hey it's ok..' I said as I put my hand over his shoulder waiting for him to continue. 'She was in love with someone and dad never approved it because of his business profit purpose. He was arranging a wedding for her against her wish. ..and I couldn't saved her. And I don't even know why I am saying you this!' He said sternly as he struggled to stop his tears from falling. 'It's not your fault. It's ok. Mistakes happen. Live your life at least for your sister.' I whispered to him as I hugged him to comfort him. Life can seriously get unfair at times. 

Nicki's Pov

Mia has being hell busy from the past days and it annoyed me to the point that I always freak out and removed my anger on her. We have less time together but night time is ours. We always make it a point to skype each others till we sleep. Today I got to hang out with friends and Calvin will be joining us just because we have common friends. Well among friends it will be easy to deal with him. 

'Hey you talked to Mia?' Quina asked me as we walked down the street to go to the coffee shop! Everyone planned to meet up at the coffee shop in order to work on a project work. 'Well yes, we talk. Why you asked so?' I questioned her. 'Nothing was just curious you see.' She giggled as we laughed at stupid jokes on the way. Suddenly I noticed Mia with a guy almost the same height as her and she was smiling as the guy was talking. Like really what the hell! I took out my phone as I thought to confront her but my actions stopped as I noticed Kate next to her. Maybe they were just hanging out for that project thing. I try convinced my heart by going on with my mind decision but it keep making me feel a heat inside that how could she be laughing around with random guy. Well the heat is perhaps what we called jealousy. 

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