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Nicki's Pov

I could see her across the same room but i can't get further more close to her. To conceal an identity , i'm losing every single moments which i could have cherish. Sneaking while loving someone seemed cool and fun but not always. Sometimes you just feel like what if i could hold her hands and keep her right next to me. Rules and approval make it tough at time. 

'Join me when i am out...i'll wait for you. I miss you' I sent her a text. I saw her reading it and she nodded to me. Now the only thing to be taken care of is the privacy aspects. I took glance of all the targets that i need to take care of. My friends will be searching for me that's harmless but other classmate have grudges towards Mia so this can go wrong. But i want to be with her. I don't think it's wrong to plan out this. I quickly excused myself from my friends, promising that i will be back soon. I went out and i paced around waiting for Mia to join me.

'Hey, why are you so stressed?' I heard Mia in a concerned way as she held my hands within hers.

'Don't know , this is risky but i just want to spent a few moments with you which can give me some more strength to handle myself when i'm away from you.' I told her in a genuine way while she stared at me with a serious expression for sometime until she burst out with laughter.

'What the hell is wrong with you? You are getting crazy or what?' I said nudging her arms.

'Baby , the situation look like we are eloping! I really feel like we are about to run away to get married.' She calmed down slowly explaining me the reason behind her laughter.

'So let's run away to make a good moment? ' I asked her offering her my hand.

'That's sound fun Miss Nicki'  She happily obliged and she held my hand within hers. I took her to a nearby room. It was a rarely used room. I got in it with her and we made sure no one was following us. If we are caught from here. Things will be impossible to explain. A popular girl with an unpopular girl a closed room. Sound dangerous but hell fun though.

Mia's Pov

It was not awkward.  It was like a comfortable silence moment. I sit near to her and it just feel like i'm not close enough to her. I missed her warmth so i move and settled myself on her lap. She held me in place and i felt secure. We stayed there close to each other for a while. Words were not meant to be included , the silence fit better. I felt her hands stroking my arms. I felt warmth. I felt wanted. I felt loved. 

After relaxing for some minutes , i sit upright still in her arms. I caressed her face with my fingers and she closed her eyes. I lean forward kissing her forehead moving down her nose her cheeks. I traced her lips with my fingers. She looked eagerly at me. I placed my hands over her waist, closing the gaps between us and i press my lips over hers. I felt her hands wander around my back holding me firmly. As our lips started to move in sync , she let out a moan. I traced her bottom lips with my tongue and her tongue tangled with mine. I felt her taste. The taste that i never seemed to get enough of. Her sweet warmth taste, We kissed till we got breathless. I placed on my head over her chest, enjoying the intimacy between us. 

'So you love me?' I heard her questioning me. 

'Like really after such a kiss you got this to ask. Yes i love you. I love you like crazy. And to be true , i want to elope with you. Settled with you. Have a little home of ours, where there will be me and you. We can adopt a few kids too....if you want' I said playing with the hem of her shirt. 

'Kids? I don't want any....They are noisy and i'm already handling a kid. It's tough' She said sounding irritated.

'You have a kid and you did not care to inform me? Shame shame!' I dramatize the situation while she laughed. Her laugh is the reward i get of being stupid and dramatic. Fair deal right?

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