Chapter One - Salazar Slytherin

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"What's going on?" Harry asked his friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, as they sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, after being escorted there by Professor McGonagall.

"I have no idea, mate," Ron said as he looked around the table. Soon enough he spotted his two older brothers, Fred and George, both in theirn fifth year, "Fred! George!" He called there attention.

They turned away from their friend, Lee Jordan, "What, Ron?" They asked in unison.

"You know what's going on?" Ron asked.

"Notta clue," Fred answered.

"Why's you ask us?" George asked.

"Because you two would be ones to pull a prank so large that Dumbledore called the entire school to the Great Hall," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Hear that, Freddie?" George asked Fred.

"Sure did, Georgie," Fred nodded.

"How rude," they stuck their noses in the air and turned back toward Lee.

"Gits," Hermion mumbled then started reading her book again.

Harry looked at his friends confused, "If it wasn't Fred and George, then what--"

He was cut off by another third year, Seamus Finnagan, came running over to them, "I bet it was Sirius Black," he told them, "First he was spotted not to far from here, then the Fat Lady gets attacked, then Ron gets attacked. What if he found his way back into the castle?"

They all looked around worried, along with the students who were eavsedropping on their conversation.

The chattering at all four tables increased, as they thought of what could've happened for everyone to be called from their houses on a Saturday.

Most of the teachers were just as confused to the meetings as the students. Only the Heads and Dumbledore knew what was happening, and Dumbledore hadn't even arrived yet.

Suddenly, the doors to the Great Hall banged open, silencing everyone in the room. They all looked to the door to see Dumbledore walking in with a leather bound book in his hand. The entire hall was silent as he walked to the teachers table, and stood behind the golden podium.

"It has come to my attention, earlier today that you knew very little about the founders of the houses that you live," he announced, "Just today, Professor Binns found a diary belonging to a friend of the founders. It tells of the time when the founders, Helga Hufflepuff," he motioned to the table with yellow and black banners, with a crest of a badger, "Godric Gryffindor," the table with red and gold banners, with the crest of a lion, "Rowena Ravenclaw," the table with blue and bronze banners, and an eagle on it's crest, "and Salazar Slytherin," the table with green and silver banners, and a serpent on it's crest cheered.

"This diary was written by their friend, Margarette Malachite," confused whispers broke out into the hall, "She went unmentioned throughout history, and maybe this diary will tell us why. I have skimmed through it, and I have chosen to tell you the story of the founders."

He unwrapped the diary and opened it to the second entry. But before he could start reading, a soft female voice entered the room, emited from the diary. It said,

"Dear Diary,
The date is the 21st of June, 987. I haven't written to you since May. I honestly have forgotten that I had written a diary, but Salazar was kind enough to remind me.

Nothing interesting has happened in the past month, so I have nothing to tell you.

With the lossof story's, I have decided to instead tell you of my friends. Today I will tell you of Salazar Slytherin, founder of Slytherin house, proud parselmouth, and kind soul."

Suddenly a whisp flew out of the diary and floated infront of the teachers. The whisp soon formed into a moving picture which showed a man with short black hair, and a shaved goatee. He had bright, emerald green eyes. He was wearing a green, long sleeved outfit, that had a pop up collar. On his middle finger was a green ring that had a serpent in the shape of an 'S' on it.

It was like a wizarding photo. Salazar was sitting inside what appeared to be a study, and he was reading a book. The image slowly moved toward him, causing Salazar to move up, "Spying on me, are we Margarette?"

The same voice that spoke before, spoke up from behind the camera, "Come on, Sal!" She said playfully, "You are the on the reminded me of my diary."

Salazar tilted his head to the side, as though he was thinking, "I suppose so," he then smirked at her, "But I do hope, I'm not the only one you're spying on."

Margarette scoffed behind the image, "Please. You may be special, but you're not that special. I'm doing the same to Rowena tomorrow, then Helga, and finally Godric."

"Are you not going to show the readers what you look like?" He asked curiously.

"Of course, I'm last," she said as though it was obvious, "I'm also gonna show the Slytherin Dungeouns, then Ravenclaw Tower, Hufflepuff Basement, Gryffindor Tower, and Malachite Manor."

"Of course," he rolled his eyes sarcastically, "How come I didn't think of that?"

"You're not Rowena," she said simply before the image disappeared back into the diary. Everyone stared at the place it had been in shock, especially the Slytherin's. They were surprised that their founder had let someone talk to him like that.

Everyone was brought out of their surprise when the voice came back from the diary,

"I hope that worked. Did it work? Nevermind, you can't answer me.

Anyways, Salazar is a good man, and an excellent wizard. I cannot wait to see which students my hat will sort into his house.

I don't believe I spoke about how the student will be sorted at Hogwarts, yet. Let me check....."

There was a short bought of silence, and in this time, the studenst spoke among themselves about what they had just witnessed between Salazar Slytherin, and a mystery woman named Margarette Malachite.

"Salazar Slytherin didn't seem so bad," Harry admitted to his friends.

"But, he still created the chamber, and had the balisk kill off muggle-borns," Hermione hissed at the black haired boy.

Ginny Weasley, the only girl out of the seven children her mother bore, walked over to the trio, "That was odd," she frowned as she sat next to Harry, "I mean, he seemed so.......nice. But, then you look at the Slytherin house now."

"Is anyone else wondering what or where the Malachite Manor is?" Ron spoke up.

"Good point, Ron--" Hermione is cut off by Margarette speaking again.

"I haven't told you how the students will be sorted into their houses. They will be sorted into each house by their personalities, which I have told you. Godric will take in the brave and daring students, Rowena will take in the intelligent and creative. Helga will take in the patient and hard-working. Salazar will take in the ambitious and resourcful. And I'll take in spirited students, the eccentric students.

However, it is difficult to tell someones personality, without knowing said person before hand. So, I've decided to take my hat, and charm it with legilimency, and the ability to speak. It actually didn't take that long to do.

Anyway, he'll, yes he, will be able to look deep into the mind of it's wearer, and deside what house he or she will be placed in. The five of us all thought it brilliant, and dubbed him the sorting hat.

In just a couple of years, students will attend Hogwarts, and I cannot wait.

Margarette Malachite."

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