Chapter Three - Rowena Ravenclaw

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The voice re-entered the room.

"Dearest Diary,
Today is the 2nd of August, and I have decided to introduce you to my good friend Rowena. You can usually find her in the library, either writing textbooks, or reading the ones she already wrote. It's really unbelievable. I mean, yes, it's very useful to learn spells, and create more. But, there's not much to life, if you know how to defend yourself, but never get the chance to.

She'll make a wonderful professor when the time comes, and I think she'll teach Charms. Helga is obviously teaching Herbology, with her connection to nature and all. I believe Salazar will teach Potions, considering how well he is at it. I don't know what Godric or myself will be teaching.

But we still have just under a month to decide. Probably less, now that I think about it. Well, I suppose that we could each teach multiple subjects until we have enough teachers to well.....teach.

Anyways, enough of that. This entry is dedicated to Rowena Ravenclaw."

Suddenly a wisp left the book and formed into a picture, like it had before, in front of the teachers table. In the picture was what looked like a cleaner, newer version of the Hogwarts library. Sitting in a chair by one of the windows, sits a girl with jet black hair, wearing a royal blue dress.

She suddenly looks up at the 'camera', "Margarette," she says with a smile, "What brings you to the library?"

The camera moves forward slightly, before lowering so it's eye level with Rowena, "The diary entry. I've already introduced Salazar, and Helga. Now I'm doing you. Next, I'll tell the future readers about Godric, and finally me."

"The most magnificent for the end?" Rowena rolled her eyes.

"Precisely," Maragrette said from behind the image.

Rowena's eyes suddenly lit up, "Do you have a new spell for me to write down in the year 1 Charms book?"

The image jumped slightly, "Yes, I do. Wingardium Leviosa."

"Wingardium Leviosa?" Rowena mispronounced what Margarette said as she pulled a quill out of seemingly nowhere and started to right in the book.

"No, no. Win-gar-dium Levi-o-sa," Margarette corrected.

Outside of the image, Ron gave Hermione a look filled with shock, one she returns with a smug smile, "Told you," she says.

"Whatever," he mumbles.

Margarette continues to speak inside the image, "It's a leviation spell. You just take you want, swish and flick while saying the incantation."

"Brilliant," Rowena exlaimed.

"Wingardium Leviosa," Margarette says as a wand appears and does the swish and flick motion. Suddenly the book Rowena was getting ready to write in starts to float in the air.

A look of awe appears on Rowena's face, "Who knew you were so intelligent?"

"I shall take that as a complement," Margarette said as she lowered the book.

The image slowly closes, and returns to the diary. Margarette's voice fills the Great Hall once more,

"Rowena is a very, very intelligent and witty witch. So, imagine my surprise when she couldn't even pronounce the spell right. But, I guess it was a relief. Even people as perfect and intelligent as Rowena has their flaws.

You can learn many spells from Rowena. But, I think the biggest thing you can take from her is, that even though people may seem perfect, and extraordinary, they're just the same as us.

Everyone has their flaws, even if they don't seem like they do. Salazar, Helga, Rowena, Godric, myself. Even the best of us has our flaws. Just be yourself, and if someone can looks past those flaws, those problems, those.......quirks. They're your true friends, and you should stick by them forever.

How do you think I'm friends with these four crazy people? And them with me? We look past eachothers flaws -most of the time- and we get along fine.

But, the second we bring up eachothers flaws, we argue. Just ignore them. Everyone has them, and if you don't. Something is wrong. You mustn't be normal, you were probably created from a spell, or the future muggle science.

So, good luck with that.

But, to everyone else. Flaws are what make you, you. Never forget that.

This is what Rowena Ravenclaw teaches you.

Margarette Malachite."

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