Chapter Twelve - Off to Camelot [Part One]

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When the students entered the Great Hall the next day for dinner after classes, Professor Dumbledore was already standing at his phoenix podium with Margarette's diary sitting on it. Everyone got settled quickly, included the Slytherins, who were, uncommon to popular belief, interested in what had happened to get Margarette Malachite, the fifth founder of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry erased from history.

Dumbledore smiled at the quiet students and opened the diary. Margarette's voice filled the Great Hall as she read her entry.

"Dearest Diary,
Today is the 30th day of April, 1008, and I decided to visit Gaius, Merlin, and Morgana in Camelot. That's what my son got for not sending me letters for the past month, I haven't heard from him since my birthday.

I had an interesting time in Camelot, and I was very tempted to take Merlin, Morgana, and Gaius back to Hogwarts with me. But, in the end, they managed to convince me that they were fine in Camelot. Even Gaius had a difficult time to make me treat him like he was my elder instead of my son.

Anyways, here is what happened:"

A white wisp exited the diary like the days before and formed a picture infront of the empty section of the teachers table. The image showed an older version of Margarette in a red sleeveless dress. The corset part of the dress was a dark maroon color and had thick straps over the shoulders, and the skirt was very flowy and covered her feet. The skirt was a slightly lighter color than the corset. On her left ring finger was a beautiful ring and strapped to her waist was her sword.

She smiled brightly at the image before grabbing her silver cloak off the ground and tying it around her neck. She pulled the hood over her side plaited hair before she Disapparated from view. The image turned black for a moment before showing Margarette appear in a forest.

The Malachite witch walked forward in the image and soon exited the forest, and in the distance, probably a mile away, was a beautiful castle with golden dragon on red banners hanging around on the kingdom walls.

"Camelot is so beautiful," Margarette sighed, "To bad Uther is in rule." She walked towards Camelot and the image sped forward in time until she arrived at the doors of the kingdom. She walked through the entrance of the kingdom and continued towards the castle.

She walked for a while, going unnoticed by the towns people, until she reached the castle of Camelot. Margarette pulled down her hood and walked into the courtyard of the castle, and then found the nearest guard.

"Excuse me," she smiled brightly at the man, "Where are Gaius' chambers?"

"Down the hall and to the left," the guard told her.

"Thank you," she said before following his directions and coming upon a wooden door. She knocked, and the door swung open.

A young man, Merlin's age, stood in the doorway. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He narrowed his eyes at Margarette, "Who are you?"

"Margarette," the witch answered with a smile.

"Margarette?" A voice asked from inside the chambers. Margarette smiled brightly at the voice and walked into the room, past the blonde boy.

The image moved with her and showed her with an older fellow with bright white shoulder length hair, bright blue eyes, and wrinkles showing his age, "Gaius!" Margarette greeted as he pulled her into a hug, "How are you?"

"Myself, I am fine," Gaius answered honestly, "But, Merlin...." he trailed off at the end, looking at something behind Margarette and the image itself.

The image turned until you could no longer see Margarette, but instead saw the blonde boy, a dark skinned girl with her hair in a bun on the back of her head, and a boy with black hair lying on the bed the other two were surrounding.

Margarette suddenly ran into the images view as she knelt at the edge of the bed, the other two people giving her an odd look. She brushed the black haired boys hair out of his face as she whispered, "My dear Merlin, what have you gotten yourself into?"

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