Chapter Sixteen - Meanwhile: In Malachite Manor

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Luna and Margarette were doing during the four chapters of Off To Camelot! So here ya go!


"Margarette Malachite?" Luna asked the ghost who just nodded numbly before floating back inside the room, "It's lovely to meet you. We were just learning about you during dinner."

"What's your name, dear?" Margarette whispered out.

"Luna Lovegood, Miss," Luna answered, "Why are you still here? Why not go to Hogwarts?"

"I cannot leave," Margarette told the blonde Ravenclaw, "I am forbidden to."

Luna frowned slightly and walked over to the ghost, "Why?"

"I do not know, my dear," Margarette answered before changing the topic, "You know, you are the first person I've come across in a century."

"Who was the last?" Luna tilted her head to the side like a curious puppy.

"Her name was Alice, she's a descent of mine," Margarette answered before her head snapped up to Luna, "What have you learned about me thus far from my diary?"

Luna thought back to the last entry she heard, "Merlin and Morgana had left for Camelot."

"Well, soon you will learn more," Margarette smiled at the young girl, "Perhaps even my killer and why I am trapped here. I never saw them, but I was writing an entry for my diary that would end up being an image, so the image may have caught them."

"The fairy portrait said that Morgana did this," Luna informed her.

"Tha-that couldn't be possible," Margarette opposed to the thought immediately, "Sh-she couldn't have done this. She's just a sweet girl, I refuse to believe that! Tell those paintings of mine to stop sprouting lies! That girl who was practically my daughter, DID NOT MURDER ME!!!" Margarette's ghost flickered momentarily before she fell to the ground sobbing.

Luna walked over to Margarette's form and sat beside her.

"She couldn't have killed me," Margarette muttered to herself, "She was such a sweet girl. She hated Uther which was understandable, she didn't kill Arthur and Merlin was still alive and well." Suddenly Margarette's head shot up and she looked at Luna, "How did Merlin die, Luna? What became of my son?"

"He became a powerful wizard, one of the most powerful," Luna told the mother, "He was known as the Great Merlin, and still is known very well today. He was King Arthur's advisor for the longest time, until he was killed."

"He was murdered?" Margarette asked in sadness.

"Yes," Luna nodded sadly, "I was told the story of his death by my mother. That is the only version I know, would you like to hear it?"

"I want to know how my son died and who is responsible," Margarette told the young witch.

"Of course," Luna nodded and began to tell the story, "Times were good in the land of Camelot. King Arthur and his knights had created a world of peace and prosperity for all, but as we all know times like these are challenged by the wicked souls of the land.

"When he returned from his travels, Sir Pellinore, one of Arthur's esteemed knights, brought with him a woman whose beauty was unmatched. She could tempt even the most noble man with one glimpse. Her eyes were deeper than the sea and her skin was smoother than the smoothest pebble that washed upon the shore. No doubt she had been the most beautiful woman to ever enter Camelot in the eyes of many men.

"Naturally, the men of Camelot were drawn to her, especially the magnificent Merlin. Merlin was a man of many talents, not the least of which was his powerful magic. He has been the right-hand man and advisor to King Arthur since before Arthur took the throne. Merlin could not help but be tempted by this new woman's beauty, he was, after all, human.

"This new woman, whose name was Vivien, had her own reasons for coming to Camelot. However, the knights did not find out these reasons until it was too late.

"One evening, during a nice festive meal, the great Merlin finally mustered up some courage to speak to the beautiful Vivien. Vivien and Merlin had a pleasant conversation that grew ever more exciting by the drink. Before the night was over the conservative Merlin was, believe it or not, dancing with the beautiful lady. Arthur and his band of knights got quite a laugh out of this for they had never seen this side of Merlin. They seemed to be the perfect match.

"Merlin was blinded by Vivien's beauty. She was able to use him for whatever she desired. First it was cooking for her, then it was doing her laundry, but it started to progress to bigger things. There were always little favors here and there regarding what was going on in Camelot. Yet Merlin was not able to withhold any love for this woman. A few weeks later, Vivien finally came to Merlin for what she really wanted: magic. She wanted Merlin to teach her everything he knew. Naturally as he did with Vivien's other requests, Merlin gave in to her demands.

"This was not the brightest move Merlin could have made, but it happened none the less. Months went by as Merlin began teaching his love Vivien the ins and outs of magic. She was quite a gifted student in Merlin's opinion. The best he had ever taught. She picked up the spells with little trouble at all. Once Merlin had taught her everything he wished to teach her, then it was time for Vivien to unleash her masterful plan.

"Vivien took Merlin to a place with many rocks and a deep cave, most likely somewhere high in the mountains, but it is unsure exactly where. She described to Merlin a rock, under which were powers of untold measure. Naturally Merlin was excited. They climbed until they came to the place the rock was supposed to be. Vivien led Merlin to the rock and insisted that Merlin uncover the powers because it was he who deserved them. He was the greatest wizard in the world. As Merlin went to lift the rock a slew of monstrous rocks collapsed on top of Merlin, thus dooming Merlin to the grave. Vivien had now betrayed Merlin to his death and was now the most powerful wizard in all of the land.

"These events will come to have a dramatic impact on the great King Arthur. Not only is Arthur's most trusted advisor no longer with him, but he also has to worry about what exactly Vivien will do next after acquiring her great power," Luna finished the Arthurian Legend of the Great Merlin's death.


I do, in no way, take credit for the story of Merlin's death. I did not write that story. It's from ! So again, the story is not mine, all credit goes to the writer of this version of the story.

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