Chapter Two - Helga Hufflepuff

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As the voice cut off, Dumbledore turned toward McGonagall, "Minerva, could you please get the Sorting Hat?"

"Of course," she calmly walked out of the Great Hall and toward Dumbledore's office to collect the Sorting Hat to see what he knows about the fifth founder of Hogwarts.

As soon as she left, Dumbledore turned to the next entry,

"Dearest Diary,
Today is the 22nd day of June, 987. I was searching for Helga, and managed to find her in the green house."

Just like before a wisp left the diary, and appeared in front of the teachers table. This time, though, instead of showing Salazar, it showed a girl with curly blonde locks. She was wearing a yellow dress, and was hunched over a plant.

"What are you doing, Helga?" The voice behind the image asked.

"Shh," Helga shushed at the image, "Just watch," suddenly the plant's vines streched out and wrapped itself around Helga's hand, up her arm, and stopping at her elbow. Helga, using her other hand, picked up a golden cup off the ground, "Could you collect some of it's soil?"

"Of course," the image walked forward, and a hand came from behind the image and picked up the cup. The hand slowly dipped down to the plant, and collected some soil, "That enough."

"Yes," Helga smiled, "Thank you, Margarette." The hand handed Helga the cup, and quickly disappeared from the image, "What are you doing?"

Behind the image someone scoffed, "The diary that you all pressured me into writing," Margarette said.

"Yes, diary and writing," Helga empishized.

"I'm writing it as well, then inserting this charm, so it will play out," a sigh echoed throughout the Great Hall, "Not everyone likes to read like Rowena."

Helga smiled calmly and started to walk out of the room, "But not everyone is as lazy as you and Godric."

Another scoff was heard, "Have you seen, Godric? Always playing with that sword of his."

"He hears you say that he's playing he may use it on you," Helga said teasingly.

"Please, Godric's a little lamb," Margarette said.

"Like Mary," Helga said with her airy voice.

"Mary is a sweet witch, and she's excited for school to start up," Margarette said, and you could practically hear the smile in her voice, "She'll definitely be a pheonix."

Helga smiled kindly at the image, "Why does it matter what house she gets sorted into? We're going to treat everyone the same, no matter the house."

"With slight favoritism," Margarette quipped before the image turned back into a wisp, and returned to the diary.

"Helga was always patient and equal with everyone. She always made time for everyone. She was much like a badger. The kindest creature you will ever meet, that is, until, you threaten her, or her loved ones. It may be the last thing you every do.

She'll probably posion you will some venom from a plant man -or wizard- kind hasn't even discovered yet. Helga's one with nature, and I assure you, that most students in Hufflepuff will be excellent at Herbology.

Anyways, tomorrow, or the next time I write to you, I'll -hopefully- be with Rowena.

But, today we're talking about Helga. She's always had a connection with nature, and animals in general. Just yesterday, after I had visited Salazar, I convinced her to go into the forest with me. Which after a couple of pleads she agreed to.

Thankfully, none of the animals were threatening. They were actually very kind. We interacted with a group of centaurs, who I plan on visiting later for archery lessons. I also ended up befriended a unicorn, who Helga dubbed Zonko.

She said that was his name, so I just agreed, she was the one with the connection.

She ended up finding multiple plants that she had never encountered before. She someow managed to talk to the plants, and let her harvest them, and move her to the green house. I still don't understand how she does it.

It's like magic!

Just kidding, you don't have to laugh, it's fine."

With the comment, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and most of the teachers let out a chuckle, "I wonder what house we would've been sorted into if Malachite was an actual house," Hermione wondered to Ron, Harry, and Ginny.

"Horrid joke behind us," The voice resounded throughout the room, "Helga is a kind soul, and the greatest friend a girl could ask for. You can trust her with all your problems, and worries, and she won't tell a soul.

That is unless, this problem could possibly harm you or others, then she'll probably tell Rowena. And Rowena will think of the best possible solution of who to tell. Godric or Salazar.

I cannot comprehend as to why they depise each other. Despite their popular belief, they are very similar. They will both do anything to reach their goal. It's just Salazar will use his silvertongue, whiel Godric will use his silver sword.

Let's leave on a happy note.

Hogwarts is opening soon, and the Malachite Manor has still remained unfound by everyone else. I cannot wait until they figure out how obvious it is.

Good luck, to those you wish to find it.

Margarette Malachite."

As the voice died down, McGonagall walked back into the hall with the Sorting Hat in her hand. All the students watched her with interest, or the hat. No one could really tell, who was watching who. McGonagall walked to the front of the room, and placed the Sorting Hat on the podium Dumbledore was standing at.

As soon as the hat was placed down, he came to life, "Ah," he rasped, "I see you found Margarette's diary."

"You knew about Margarette Malalchite?" McGonagall asked the hat.

"Of course I did!" The hat shouted, "She used to wear me upon her head. She was a powerful witch, she was. Kind one, too."

"What can you tell us about her?" McGonagall asked, "What she looks like? Where Malachite Manor is? Did the founders ever find the manor?"

"So full of question," the hat chuckled, "You'll have to ask her yourself."

"How--" she cut off by that the hat shouting:


Dumbledore smiled, and obliged. He turned the diary to the next entry, 2nd day of August, 987.

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