Chapter Twenty - Hidden Rooms

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Despite it getting late into the evening, Professor Dumbledore continued on to the next entry.

"Dear Dairy,
Today is the 28th of February, 1013. Merlin is doing well, the school is doing well, Camelot is doing well, everything is just fine.

Well, that's what Salazar and Godric want us to think. They want us to think that they aren't constantly arguing and having petty quarrels. They probably think we don't notice the distance they've put between each other.

Salazar doesn't think I've noticed him doing something to the castle, building something inside. I suppose I shouldn't be too suspicious for we all have our own secret chambers within the Hogwarts walls. Helga has the come-and-go room, Rowena has the hidden balcony for those who truly need it, Godric placed some sort of hidden training room within the castle, I believe.

I only put in a small room, barely noticeable, but not hidden. It's a room for relaxation, I suppose. Just to get away from everyone and sleep peacefully without anyone bothering you.

Now that I think back on it, it seems quite silly. Just hiding rooms throughout the castle, hoping maybe on a whim a student will find it. Which will be quite hard considering Godric, Rowena, and Salazar.

Helga's isn't fairly simple and you can come upon it with pure luck, or, if you know how to get in, you can. With Godric's room, it's not only knowing how to get in, but doing the task to get in, and Rowena's room decides if you're worthy enough to enter. And just knowing Salazar, it's going to be something only Slytherin's or few people can do.

My room is difficult to find, I'm not saying it isn't, but you've probably passed by it many times before, maybe even been inside it. I wouldn't know and you probably wouldn't either.

Good luck finding the rooms, readers.

Now, onto a different note, I am going traveling around the world with Elijah soon, and we plan on stopping to visit Alice before continuing. My next entry will have a fairly large gap between this one. Though, I will try to tell you of all the places myself and Elijah visited.

I will write to you again.

Margarette Malachite."

Dumbledore decided that that (I hate you English) would be the final entry for the night so he sent the students up to the dorms. Ravenclaws, Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Slytherins all left the Great Hall thinking about the hidden room each of the founders had built, though they already knew Slytherin's. They were curious of the come-and-go room of the Hufflepuffs.

"What's the come-and-go room?" Ron asked Hermione.

The muggleborn frowned in response, sure she had heard the name before, but not quite sure where, "I can't remember."

Back in the Great Hall the professors stared intently at Margarette Malachite. The most curious of them all being Emitt. The man walked up to the ghost and tilted his head to the side like a curious puppy, "I'm sorry for imposing on personal matters, but how did you die?"

"The Killing Curse," Margarette told him.

"By who-"

"Emitt, that's enough," Borys told him before looking at Margarette, "I apologize for him, apparently Fae don't know when they cross the line."

"It is fine," Margarette smiled at him before addressing Emitt, "I was killed by Morgana."

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