Chapter Six - 2nd of September, 987

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Dumbledore quickly dragged the attention of off Luna, but not before giving her a proud smile. He opened to the next entry, and Margarette's voice soon filled the Great Hall.

"Dear Diary,
Today is the 2nd day of the ninth month, in the 987th year. Just yesterday, Hogwarts opened it's doors, and 11 year old witches and wizards entered here for the first time. Many well known wizarding families names were called out by myself, when I held up the scroll and called the names of the children to be sorted.

The Gryffindor Tower gained many students. Some pureblood, others halfblood, and some muggle born. We got many known pureblood names into the Gryffindor house. Like a Weasley boy, a Prewett, twin Potters, and many others.

In Hufflepuff, we got Diggory's, Scamander's, and Wenlock's. I believe that these families, either now or in the future, will have a giagantuous impact on the wizarding world, or just Hogwarts. But I believe that they will make an impact.

Rowena's house got few well known families, one I can recount off the top of my head are the Chang's, and the Pince's. They are originally from Asia, but when I owled them about Hogwarts, they apparated their son here to attend.

Sal got many pureblood families, barely any halfbloods, and even fewer muggleborns. But, I suppose that is just how the Slytherin house works. Sal got the Malfoy's, Parkinson's, the Crabbe's, Goyle's, and Gaunt's.They seem like a nasty bunch, but I'm not alowed to have an opinion one the student as a professor.

My house though, as I predicted, got the fewest amount of students. I mostly aqquired halfbloods and muggleborns, but I did aqquire a pureblood family or two. I aqquired the Lovegood's, as I said before, and I also got the twin Lestrange girls.

They are all wonderous students, and later today I shall be teaching them Defenseless Against the Dark Arts, and..................what was it? I was teaching Defenseless Against the Dark Arts, and, my god I can't remember. Ah ha! I remembered, I am also teaching Astronomy.

Sal is teaching Potions. Godric is teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. Helga is teaching Herbology. And like me, Rowena is teacing two classes, Charms and Transfiguration."

"What in Merlin's name is, Defenseless Against the Dark Arts?" Seamus Finnigan asked Hermione.

"I haven't got a clue," Hermione answered.

Ron looked at her playfully, "Hermione Granger not knowing something."

"Who are you and what have you done with Hermione?" Harry asked teasingly.

"Hilarious," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts is using magic to protect yourself against magical creatures, and dark witches and wizards. Charms is learning enchantments. Herbology is learning the magical properties of plants, and how they can heal or injure someone. Transfiguration is the ability to change the shape or form of yourself, others, and inanimate objects. Potions is learning to brew potions that, again, could heal or injure someone, or just have a nuetral affect. Astronomy is the learning of the stars.

And my final class, Defenseless Against the Dark Arts, is using a physical weapon against magical creatures or dark wizards to protect yourself. I believe that you cannot rely on your wand for everything, and this will also give the muggleborn students an air of familiarity. Not using magic to protect themselves.

I will be teaching the students to use basic weapons. Swords, bows and arrows, daggers, spears, anything you can think of that any muggle will have in their homes.

I must go now, for it's almost time for my first class.

Margarette Malachite."

"Well, that answers your question," Ginny spoke up as she looked at Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Seamus.

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