Chapter Eight - Malachite Manor

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The whole hall sat in silence at the revilation. But the silence only lasted for so long before the tables erupted into conversations.

"Margarette was Merlin's mother?!" Hermione asked.

"Merlin," Ginny breathed out in shock.

"Bloody hell!" Ron said in shock, "Merlin Malachite!"

Then Hermione asked, "Does this mean we'll learn more about Merlin?"

"SILENCE!!" Dumbledore's voice rung through the Great Hall, silencing anybody and everybody. After everyone was silent, Dumbledore turned to the next entry.

"Dearest Diary,
It has been seven years since Hogwarts first opened, and two since my last entry. I apologize for not signing off my last entry, for Elijah had called for me. Today is the 1st of September, 994. Everyone was just sorted, and I am now leading my house members to Malachite Manor."

A whisp left the diary and appeared in front of the teachers table once again. The teachers moved out from behind the whisp as it became an image so they could see it, too. It showed the 7th floor hall, the image actually passed the Barnabas The Barmy tapestry.

Soon people walked past the image, students ranging from 11 to 17 in black robes with a purple hood, and purple and white ties. Margarette Malachite was in the front wearing a pair of black trousers, and a dark purple blouse covered by a long sleeved brown coat that stopped at her knees.

She had a want in her hand, and the wood was a medium color. She walked to the space beside the tapestry and mumbles something while flicking her wand. After she did that, a door slowly appeared, and she opened it, "This is the way to Malachite Manor. Walk through, follow the seventh years, and I shall be right behind you."

A seventh year girl with waist length white hair walked up to Margarette and placed a hand on her shoulder, "I hope we can go searching for Nargles soon."

"Of course, Lisa," Margarette smiled at her and ushered the students through.

Suddenly the image went black. Everyone looked at it confused but the image soon changed to a lawn with a large house -almost castle- in front. The moon was high in the sky, and fire lights floated around the castle.

"Welcome to Malachite Manor," Margarette said, "The first floor hold the common room and library. The second floor is for first years. Right for girls, left for boys. Everyone else knows where your rooms our, just a floor up. The top tower is off limits, that is my family and I's room."

"Your family, Miss," a first year with wild red hair and olive skin asked.

"Yes, my dear. Myself, my husband, Elijah, and my four year old son, Merlin," Margarette explains, and as she finishes the front door is pushed open and two people walk out. Well, the older one, who looks to be just a couple of years older than Margarette walks, but the four year old runs over to Margarette and wraps her hands around her waist.

"Ma!" He shouts. The boy has short black hair and bright blue eyes.

"Merlin," Elijah scolds his son as Margarette picks up her son and rests him on her hip.

Margarette turns to face Elijah, "Could you possibly show the boys where they're rooms are?"

He nods, "Boys," he motions to the door, "Follow me." The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh years quickly walk up to the castle, but the first, second, and third years are slightly hesitant. A fifth year boy walks up to Elijah, and Elijah gives him a hug, "How are you, Charles?"

"I am well, Elijah," Charles says back as he pushes his white shoulder length white hair behind his ear.

Elijah nods with a smile and walks inside, everyone following him inside.

"Now, girls," Margarette claps her hands while holding a four year old Merlin, "Follow me."

The image fades away into the whisp and it enters the diary. Margarette's voice fills the Great Hall once again.

"I cannot even begin to explain how happy I am of how well Hogwarts is working out. Students are coming in from all over the land, and in just seven short years, Merlin will start at Hogwarts.

But, I'm worried about next year. Students that I have known since they were eleven are going to be going into the world, and can no longer take schooling at Hogwarts, and it doesn't help that King Uther has something against witches and wizards.

Anyone who enters Camelot, which is a months ride away -but only a short apparation- and is even accused of witchcraft and wizardry will be excuted. I fear for my students saftey once they graduate. But I need to think positively.

Here comes Merlin. Maybe he could right, and talk to you weirdos. Here's Merlin."

A little boys voice filled the Great Hall,"M y nam ees, Merrliiin! I aum for. My mom said u people r weird."

Margarette's voice re-entered th Great Hall with a chuckle, "Silly boy. Merlin's a great kid, and I couldn't have asked for me. He seems like a very powerful wizard, he's already transfiguring items on accident. Rowena's so proud.

I cannot wait to make his wand.

It might be like mine, which is made from an English Oak, my own hair -Rowena said it would work better if apart of you was in the wand- and it's 10 inches. Or, Merlin's wand could possibly be like Elijah's, which is Birch wood, unicorn tail hair, and is 13 1/2 inches.

It will be very exciting when he starts at Hogwarts. I cannot wait.

Margarette Malachite."

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