Chapter Seven - Five Years Later

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Dumbledore closed the diary, "It is late, and it is a Sunday. We will continue to learn about the founders and Ms. Malachite tomorrow night after dinner. Perfects, please lead your house to the common rooms, and have them be in bed in 10 minutes."

The perfects nodded at the headmaster, and led their respective houses to their common rooms. Only the professors remained in the Great Hall. All of them were either looking at the diary or at the Sorting Hat who was quietly humming to himself.

"What happened to Margarette?" Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw house asked the hat.

"You will find out in the end," it said ominously before de-animating its self.


The next night, everyone happily sat in the Great Hall, and ate their dinner quickly, eager to hear the story of Margarette Malachite. Yes, even the Slytherins. After they mentioned some of the Slytherin names, people got excited to see what would occur next.

So after everyone was finished eating, and the food disapparated off of the table, Dumbledore approached the podium, "Tonight we will continue with the story of Margarette Malachite, the fifth founder of Hogwarts. And we will continue this story until it ends."

He opens up the diary and Margarette's voice emerges:

"Dearest Diary,
I apologize immensley for forgetting about you. It has been a full five years since the last entry. Today is the 21st of the month of June, in the year 992.

But, for being away for so long, I have splendid news. Just one year ago today, I gave birth to a baby boy. His father is Elijah Liddell. We met when Elijah came to Hogwarts to visit his youngest sister, Mary. I mentioned her when I was with Helga. Mary was infact a Malachite, which I was very pleased to have happened.

Elijah is a lovely fellow, and we have been wed for over 2 years. He has brown hair, and brown eyes like myself, but is from a different part of the world. It is just west, across the sea from our great country.

But, when he was younger, he and his family moved to our country, and has been living here every since.

We are happy to be celebrating our son's first birthday on this day, and Rowena and Sal have been made his guardians if anything were to happen to us, which hopefully, nothing will. But I shall no longer bore you with my tales of love, and tell you the name of my beautiful child.

His name, Merlin."

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