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saturday rolls around and it's just relaxing. braxton and lawrence decided that today had the best weather for paint balling and doing 'manly' things. everyday it's this sunny and hot out.

i called up alessia and clara to hit up the mall. after parking my car in an empty spot, i exit my audi and head toward the mall. alessia had told me that they were shopping for lingerie for clara in victoria's secret.

that's where i'm headed to. i locate the store quickly and find them lurking around near the silky and lace materials. an anonymous face is with them. i've been getting introduced to so many new people lately.

"octavia!" clara shrieks. "just the girl i needed in this situation. which one?" she questions, holding up two sets of lingerie.

i point at the blood red colored one over the nude one. the nude one would just make her look naked. she compliments me on my outfit and i thank her, smiling at her niceness and compliment her back.

alessia speaks up, introducing me to the new girl that stands attached to her bright, rose gold iphone. i thought i could get by, not noticing her.

"octavia, this is valerie." she smiles. "and old friend of mine from new york. she's staying with me for the rest of the month."

"don't worry. i just met her today too and she's a mute female with a resting bitch face." clara whispers into my ear, causing me to laugh a little.

"is there a certain reason why you wanted to visit california?" i ask valerie.

i didn't realize how rude i sounded until it actually left me mouth. she perks up at my question to her.

"yes, i came here to see a man i'm talking to." she winks, causing clara to howl.

"really?" alessia questions, completely oblivious and just finding out about this information.

"who's the man?" clara asks.

"yes." valerie nods, followed by a smile. "he's well known, actually. his name is jack gilinsky. i've been talking to him a lot recently and he's super sweet. not an asshole like the tabloids make him out to be." she replies.

i freeze in my place and tense up as clara's eyes widen, looking back and forth from me and valerie. jesus christ, jack. how many mistresses does he have at one time? better question: how the hell did they meet when she lives across the country.

"you can't be talking to him." clara tells her, making alessia gasp.

"why is that?" valerie replies snobbishly, smacking her gum and crossing her arms over her chest.

it's like she's asking to have a fist fight dead center in victoria's secret.

"girl code." clara snaps in defense and finality. "he's octavia's ex."

"ex boyfriend, who cares. friends date their friends ex boyfriends all of the time." she flicks her wrist like it's no big deal; as if. "he's single now, isn't he?" she raises an overdrawn eyebrow.

i hate to be the one to judge looks, but... yikes.

"no, ex husband." clara clarifies, emphasizing the word 'husband'.

her eyes widen, looking taken aback. alessia just watches us, not knowing whose side to be on.

"clearly, someone didn't get deep enough in conversation or do their research." i mutter under my breath, slightly offended.

he should at least have the decency to inform his new mistresses that he's been married before. valerie frowns and angrily smacks her overlong acrylic nails on her glass phone screen. how is it not breaking from the force she's applying?

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