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octavia's pov

"stop taking him away. you never let me have time with my boyfriend." i whine, clutching onto braxton's arm.

lawrence let's out a loud chuckle, "you're one to take. you took my best friend away from me after you started dating him."

i shrug and slyly smirk, "you can't help the attraction."

"there's plenty of me to go around." braxton declares, putting an arm around my waist.

"if braxton comes back with even the littlest scratch, you're dead." i threaten lawrence, pointing a manicured finger at his broad chest.

"right because i'm scared of you." lawrence mocks, grabbing my wrist to shove my hand away.

i'm so weak compared to him. i hate it,

"no, seriously, she hits hard." braxton tells me, making me smile proudly. "i still have a bruise on my leg from her."

"trust me, i know. growing up with her wasn't easy." lawrence whispers to him.

"just be back before seven." i tell the two.

"will you cook for me?" lawrence asks, batting his relatively long eyelashes in a plead.

i smile and nod my head, "of course."

i shove the two out of the door, but give braxton a chaste kiss before shutting it. i run a hand through my hair, putting some stuff into place before heading back into the bedroom.

the lingerie that jack bought me has been sitting inside of my bottom drawer along with the purse. i crouch down, opening the dresser and taking out the thin and sparkly material.

it's cute, i'm not going to lie. plus, what harm can trying it on do? if it looks good, might as well wear it for braxton one night because he deserves it. i strip out of my clothing and replace it with the tangled contraption.

after examining myself in the mirror, i've realized that jack's lingerie taste didn't change one bit. i decided to try it on after braxton left so he wouldn't suspect anything weird going on.

this feels odd, but it looks nice. it hugs my body in the right way and not to the point where i'm suffocating inside it. i slip on the stocking that came along with it, to get the full look.

i've must've been standing and admiring myself for quite a while because an abrupt knock brings me back to reality. my eyes widen because now i'm panicking to put something on.

i can't answer it wearing this. i throw on a silk robe and put all of my curled hair over my shoulders. yes, because this is so much better. this looks even more suspicious. like i'm trying to seduce whoever's at the door.

not thinking much, i tie the robe and head out to answer the door. my hand clenches around the handle and i open it. i shouldn't even be surprised by who stands in front of me with a bright orange hermés bag.

i refrain from letting my eyes roll on their own due to exasperation. he just never gives up, does he?

"not again." i groan.

his smile widens, "giving you your daily dose of me." he winks, inviting himself inside.

i've learned not to fight back because it's useless.

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