twenty six

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after a few weeks, i've grown accustomed to not having a high paying job anymore. i'm still living fine because my bank account is stacked,cut of course i've been filling out job applications around the city.

things are somewhat easy living with jack. we've become a semi normal couple. he annoys me and i annoy him. people would say it's cute when couples bicker, but he literally makes me want to pull my hair out sometimes.

"honey, i'm home!" jack announces as he enters the house.

i look around and he walks in from the a garage side.

"hey, sexy." he greets me.

a grin is on his face, making me smile. he approaches me, leaning down and swooping in for a kiss.

"hi, handsome."

"how are you?" he asks, kneeling in front of me.

"i'm good." i respond. "why are you home so late. i've been waiting for you."

"sorry, baby. i went to laura's house after work to watch her kids while she went to an appointment." he answers.

my eyes widen, "she has kids now?"

"yes," he nods. "twin girls and they're so precious."

"how old?"

"one and a half." he smiles and his eyes light up by just talking about his nieces. "i want kids, do you?"

i'm taken aback by his question and stare at him confused. he frowns at my reaction.

"i guess not."

"no! it's not like that, but you just surprised me with that question. i never thought about having kids-"

"never?" he tilts his head, his eyebrows pulling together.

i shake my head. i mean, eventually i would want kids, right? it's just, i feel like it'd be too much at the moment to have kids, but i'll consider it now.

"i don't want my children to be born out of wedlock." i blurt, maki up some random excuse.

his eyebrows raise, interested, "are you hinting we get married?"

"no, just not now." i rush, so he doesn't take it the wrong way.

but of course, he does.

"geez," he mutters under his breath. "what the hell do you want?"

i pout as he gets up and walks into the kitchen. that was not how i wanted my day to end. i'm suddenly confused by his behavior. i did clarify what i wanted and didn't want.

"now you're mad at me." i sigh, getting up to follow him.

"i'm not mad, just puzzled." he replies with an impassive face. "you don't want kids, but you do. you want your child to be born with their parents married, but you don't want to marry me."

"i just think it's too soon-"

"to hell with that." he raises his voice and states. "i'm not getting any younger, octavia."

i press my lips together, a little hurt by him raising his voice at me. he only does that when he's angry with me.

"i'm sorry." i mumble. "i don't know what you want me to do."

he shakes his head, digging through the fridge for something to eat. i let out a long sigh of defeat. our 'love' isn't one sided, but when i'm not ready to have a kid, it usually means that i am not ready.

"there's nothing to eat." he complains, slamming the refrigerator door shut. "i'm going to bed."

my eyes are wide at his behavior. is this really a big deal for him? i get up and follow him once more. i just want to comfort him and make him understand.

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