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my eyebrows raise in shock, "what are you-"

"what am i talking about?" he intervenes. "you know exactly what i'm talking about. i saw you leave the back room with him hot on your trail. one hand covering your neck and the other in your hair trying to make it look normal." he snarls.

"braxton, i can explain." i quietly say, on the verge of tears already.

what the hell was i thinking? this is so bad for my relationship and reputation. people already think i'm horrible from previous rumors that jack's spread about me. now what are they going to think when they release braxton and i have problems.

"i want your things out of my penthouse by the end of tomorrow. sooner would be better, but no later."

"i'll help." lawrence wickedly smiles at me. "it would be reasonable."

i blink, gulping down a lump that's formed in my throat. my hands are sweaty and lawrence is giving me a 'caught red handed' stare and braxton's facial expression is just impassive. i can't read him, but i definitely know he's not happy.

the two most important people in my life turning their backs on me because of a stupid and careless mistake that a teenager would make.

"you can't do this." i beg. "braxton, just listen to me-"

"oh, i can." braxton loudly chuckles in disbelief. "i gave you love and a chance to prove that you did not cheat on jack gilinsky. only to get what? a girlfriend who actually cheats?"

i'm completely vulnerable and frozen right now. i don't know what to do. especially now knowing that my own brother does like me right now either. thankfully, him and my father aren't very close anymore, so he won't go snitching to him.

i couldn't standing being alone. especially with the fact that my father hates me too. i'd have no one because i bet clara wouldn't like me very much after this.

"i trusted you with my best friend." lawrence angrily states, speaking up. "they say never turn your back on family, but you've given me no choice."

"good thing we weren't married, huh? or else things would've been way more complicated." braxton adds, digging in his pants pocket and produces a tiny, black velvet box.

he tosses it into the table carelessly and my eyes widen, trying to digest what's going on. with that, he exits the giant ballroom with my brother behind him. it was my stupid act thinking that no one was going to see me,

especially my own boyfriend. i'm not even drunk, so that confirms that it was my own stupidity that now has me single. he won't even hear me out and i bet he won't even be home when i'm packing my things.

so many things are mingling within my mind and it's so clouded. without even comprehending my next actions, i take a few steps forward to where braxton recently stood and pick up the black box.

my fingertips graze the soft surface and i open the ring holder. my heart breaks into a million pieces as i see a bright and big engagement ring stare back at me. that's enough to make me collapse onto the floor and burst into tears.

after what feels like hours of me sitting on this floor, i decide that it's rather best to just call clara tomorrow because it's late. i stand up with shaky legs. i start moving around the venue, cleaning everything since i'm the only one left.

once i'm finally finished and the place is spotless, i drag my purse, heels, dress, and wring box out to my car. thank god i brought my own car and didn't have to call an uber.

hopefully, braxton and i can compromise by the end of tonight, but i doubt it because of the look on his face. he hates me. absolutely hates me and i hate myself right now also. he didn't bother showing the fact that he hates me.

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