Phase O: Audition Round

1.7K 58 117

March 15, 2016

Dear Love,

It's been months since I unleashed several outbreaks all around the world. You should see the fear in their faces. It's ecstatic to see humanity crumble within the palm of my hands. Those lives, those tears, those screams, those cries-they are nothing compared to what they did to you.

And they will pay. Blood must be paid by blood. I will not stop until I get my revenge. They're in for a game they can't escape from. Death will be the end for most of them-I will be their death. Those who will be left behind will bow before me. They can't stop me. No. They will see me as their God.

Love, this is your dream coming true. Wherever you are, I know that you are happy, seeing others suffering, seeing their agony-if it can only appease my need for vengeance. But, I want more. I want to prolong their pain. I want them to feel what I feel right now. I want them to know how it is to lose someone you love.

So to those Martyrs who want to play the game, pain is just a shallow feeling, Love. I will do something. I will remove this excruciating torment I'm experiencing right now. And in order to do that, I need to start this game. I need to begin with Phase 0. It's time for the laboratory to open.

We will meet soon, Love. I promise you.

Your love,

The Doctor


This is Team Baliw taking over!

Yes, we are back and the Doctor is madly serious about this game, and so are we.

Let's begin now! We don't want to keep The Doctor waiting, do we?

So you are now at the still closed doors of The Doctor's laboratory and it will only open for the so-called Martyrs.

How can you be a Martyr? You must take part on Phase 0. Be an Applicant!

Phase 0 Applicants must be:

-A member of Wattpad on or before February 1, 2016.

-A non-exclusive writer.

-A resident of the Philippines.

-Active on Facebook.

-A previous contestant who didn't advance from the Audition round of Season 1, and who is a newbie to the competition. Those who advanced to the first round up to the final round cannot join. Don't attempt to use another account to join, Season 1 Subjects. We will validate all Applicants.

-Following our official wattpad account: @weareseriouslyinsane

» No age limit.

» No followers limit.

Procedure in creating Applicant's Piece:

1. Write a ONE-SHOT FAIRYTALE STORY that must be original and unlike any other stories existing now.

2. Your piece must have 800 to 1000 word limit following the MS word count. One word short or excess of the word limit equals to a one point deduction.

3. It must be WRITTEN FORMALLY, FRESH, NEW, and NOT POSTED nor COPIED from any sites/ books/ magazines. We slice the throats of those who plagiarize. Yes, we're madly serious.

4. File format should be .doc or .docx.

5. Language use should be in Tagalog/Taglish/English. No alien language, please.

6. There will no theme for this Phase, so rejoice.

7. The overall genre of this Season will be FANTASY. The subgenre for Phase 0 is up to you since you are writing an original fairytale. Take it where you want it to go, but remember that you are writing a fairytale.

8. Remember to proofread for a perfect piece.

9. Name the file with: Title by Username

The Formula:
Content (Plot, Concept, Technicalities) - 50%
Creativity (Writing Style, Execution, Originality)- 30%
Impact (Votes do not count) - 15%
Title (Catchy and Unique) - 5%

Vital points:

1. Take note of our email add:

» Input the following on the message area of your email:
Title of your entry:
Wattpad Account: (Link)
Facebook Account: (Link)

» Input in the subject area of your email: Literary Outbreak/ Title by Username

2. This Phase waits for no one, so take note of these dates and time:

» March 20, 2016, - Start of Submission
» April 9, 2016, 11:59 pm - End of Submission
» April 10, 2016 - Posting of Entries

» No multiple entries.
» No Season 1 Subjects.
» No multiple accounts.
» No collaboration.
» No changing of username.

Any violation of any of the above-mentioned rules will result to IMMEDIATE DEATH.

The number of Martyrs who will be permitted to enter the Doctor's Lab and will advance to the next Phase is dependent on the number of applicants.

So, hurry! You only have three weeks to submit your application piece! Will you be one of the Martyrs? Or will you die trying?


- Team Baliw

LITERARY OUTBREAK: Fight or Die One-Shot Writing ContestWhere stories live. Discover now