Wild Card Round

151 8 9

Good day, Martyrs!

Phase 2 has ended, but something needs to be done before we can say we're advancing to Phase 3. For an experiment to be thoroughly accomplished and for the next Phase to begin, test subjects must be complete, and the number of needed subjects for Phase 3 is n = 18. Only 17 Martyrs made it past Phase 2, and 4 Martyrs were unfortunate to fail the second Phase.

But worry not. I'm looking for one more Martyr to be subjected to Phase 3. I'm calling the following Martyrs who failed Phase 2:


Are you up for my challenge for the WILD CARD ROUND? If so, let's begin...

General Rules and Mechanics:

1. You have to write a DRABBLE, a micro-narrative composed of 100 words only. You need to follow the Microsoft Word count. Title must be excluded from the word count.

2. Genre used should be FANTASY. You can use any subgenre of your preference.

3. Use FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN as your theme.

4. Your entry should be WRITTEN FORMALLY, FRESH, NEW, and NOT POSTED NOR COPIED from any sites/books/magazines. Those who will be found guilty of such heinous act shall be persecuted (in a very painful way).

5. Language used should be in Tagalog/Taglish/English.

Content (plot, concept, technicalities) = 45%
Theme = 35%
Adherence to the fantasy genre = 15%
Impact = 5%
Total = 100%

Once you're done, submit your entry (as a message) to our page, Literary Outbreak: Fight or Die One-Shot Writing Contest.

Remember these dates:

· JULY 10, 5:00 PM - Start of submission

· JULY 11, 5:00 PM - End of submission

· JULY 11, 7:00 PM - Posting of entries

· JULY 12 - Posting of results

Remember, four dear Martyrs, you shall not pass multiple entries. Be creative as much as possible. I gave you the second chance. Make the most out of it. Good luck!

-Team Baliw


LITERARY OUTBREAK: Fight or Die One-Shot Writing ContestWhere stories live. Discover now