Chapter 1

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Asha's POV
I walk down the alley towards Brenco Gallery, its where i work oh and am artist, i do mostly abstract art and sometimes sculptures.

Art is my love and life, well until atleast i meet my mate(sighs dreamily).

I snap out of my day dreams and hurry inside. Its one fine Gallery if i say so myself, it has black and white floors, sliding glass windows and a breathtaking view. I work here as an artist and also catalogue the Art.

I say hi to Mia the receptionist aka my best friend since fifth grade. She's mated to Russo and those two are the typical oh so in love couple i swear. Its cute but sometimes its eew!

I hurry to my office and start sorting mail for the day. I dont even realise how time flies because ive been engrossed in cataloguing the new shipment from Italy. A knock sounds on the door and in comes Mia, we are having lunch with Russo today, we slope down to the coffee shop nearby and order.

Russo comes in and you can see the two starry eyed couple. Mia then says

"Asha i knoooo your so excited about next week, you will be of mate finding age and I know how much you want to meet the person"

I smile and blush, i cant wait to meet my mate.

Kade's POV

I  stride through the ballroom like the king I am.

"Come on, i am the king of Montenegro, richest heir, a girl friend most men would pay gold to have".

Silvana, so Beautiful, strawberry blonde hair and the to die for hour glass figure.
Today she is dressed in a periwinkke blue shimmering gown. We mingle among our guests and make small talk, we of course are the power couple, we've got it all, the looks, the money, fame, name it.

As i pass my father he calls me over and I hurry to him. As soon as i reach him, he pulls me aside and says,

"Kade, dont forget next week, you have to seek your mate"

i Just roll my eyes and say,

"Yes father".

I think to myself,
" i dont want some person to come and interfere in my perfect life, the person better be worth it"

Chapter 2(Asha's POV)
That evening, exhausted after work, i enter my car and drive back home.

My neighbourhood is an average one, Just simple nice houses, i turn left to my apartment and enter my house.

Being an artist, its a colorful one, beige wall papers, and everything in the house is made of soft pastel colors, its my sanctuary, it has two bedrooms, a bathroom and walk in kitchen, its perfect for me.

I check the answering machine and there is a message from my mother, i smile to myself, she loves me and spoils me so much. But i dont blame her, after all am her only child.

Most werewolves treasure their pups because its a sign of love between mates. I click it on and hear mi mum's message,

"Hi darling, how are you baby, i know your excited about next week, i hope you find your Dream mate, come see me and your dad soon, okay?"

I remind myself to visit her soon. after that i switch on the tv and watch some news, have dinner and go early to bed.

Kade's POV
I escort silvana out to her bentley and of course the paparazzi are outside like vultures. They shout questions at us

"Is it true that silvana is expecting?"

"what will happen when one of you finds your mate next week?"

I rushe to the car and put Silvana inside, as she is puting on her seat belt, she quietly asks me,
"Kade, what happens if one of us finds our mate next week?"

"Then we'll deal with it". I reply

"Ok," silvana replies and she is driven away.

Later that Night, i retire home to my mansion, its truly splendid with twenty two bedrooms, swimming pool, gym, fountains and ballrooms but i am a king and an alpha, i deserve no less.

I go to my bedroom and think about the mating ritual next week. Its held every year and all the wolves gather to find their mates, i hate the stupid excitement of people waiting to discover their mates.

During the ritual, a light shines from your heart if your mate is around and leads you two to each other.

I hear when you find your mate, your hearts beat as one, your souls join. I dont care about all that bull!!! My life is perfect without a mate, i dont need some female alpha(it better be an alpha) thinking they own me or some thing!!

But i guess i have to accept them because am an Alpha and to truly get all my alpha power and inheritance, i have to be mated.
Thinking about all this, i fall asleep.

How is the story so far? First time trying to write, i hope its atleast average. Updates every friday or sooner than that fingers crossed

Xori i joined part two to one.

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