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For fglan2015 for the awesome comments and anielidy for the votes....appreciated

Kade's POV

Then he continues,
"We found out some things and they are not good. What you two experienced is called the joining. It happens when a mate bond has been stretched so much and its barely hanging on. So during the ascension of the alpha,the beta tries to get strength from its mate to try and bridge the barely hanging on bridge. What I don't understand is why it happened to you two. From the start,you have been together, happy as mates,accepting and loving each other,right?" He informs us.
I look down guiltily,no one knows what went down except our close friends,not even our parents knew.
"Not exactly" I say quietly
"What do you mean not exactly?" The chief elder Alec asks
"Well,in the beginning, I rejected my mate,till I felt the bond was almost non existent,then we got back together" I reply
The elders stand up looking shocked and furious.
"Kade!! How could you! An alpha of the oldest werewolf family, you must know our traditions and you had the courage to reject your mate! ". Alec bellows
I shrink from his voice,feeling guilty and sad all at once.
Asha takes my hand,
" We are fine now,I love him and my mate really loves me,he makes me happy and I forgive him,he realised his mistakes" he says
"The problem is,your mate bond was overly stretched. It almost broke,you two were supposed to have one of the strongest bonds mates could have,but because of your actions, there are very serious consequences." The elders say
Asha squeezes my hand,
"What consequences? He asks
The elders look down,no one is looking directly at us.
" You could loose your mate" he says sadly
"Noooooooo," I shout and hold my Asha tightly while he clings onto me fearfully "
"Am so sorry but you should have known that rejecting a mate is a very serious issue,if a mate bond is almost broken,it affects the mate. They feel tired and sleepy because you are draining them,eventually you drain their life force because too much goes into keeping the bond alive,its like your draining his life.
I just fall down on my knees remembering how my mate would feel tired after we made love or how he was very tired and sleepy today.
He kneels next to me and hugs me,
"We'll get through this babe,we will"
As he is still saying this,he falls down and collapses. He looks deathly pale.
I scream and hold my mate, tears running down my eyes,
"What's wrong with my baby,what's happening?" I shout
"I think he has gone into the quiet,his body is trying to save his life force"  Alec says checking his pulse.
"What...what can we do to save him? Please,its not his fault,he loved me from the start, please"
"Look into your heart,the answer will come to you,consult your soul in the way of our people" Alec says
They carry my Asha,my mate to a room and lay him down on the bed. I kneel next to him and he looks so peaceful. I gently kiss his lips. I will do anything for this man,I am so much in love with him,he forgave me even when I hurt him,it's my turn to be his true mate,be his life,because....because,I love him..I love him
'I can't leave without you, I will do anything for you, I'll pay any price just to have your heart beating fast like it used to'
I kiss  him deeply,maybe for the last time. I clean my eyes and someone comes in crying heartbreaking sobs,her hair is allover the place, tears mixing with mascara,
"My sweetheart, what happened to him,I feel like dying" Mia cries holding her chest
She is holding Asha crying so hard,while Russo is trying to comfort her. She is incosolable.
Our families come in and everyone is crying so much.
I can't stand it any more, it was my fault,all of it,if only I treated him right. It's time to own up and face my mistakes.
"Where are you going to?" Mia asks between sobs
"Where I should be" I tell her
She looks at me shocked,"you're going to......" She asks
"Yes,I reply, no one can stop me, I'd do anything for him,so don't tell anyone till its the right time" I tell her
"Alright,be brave" she says hiccuping.

Its time,time.......

Please try,The man I was in love with

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