He's mine

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This chapter broke my heart

I defend whats mine,I will die for him.I would do anything for my mate. I want him to be the way he was. Happy,handsome and so full of life.
I change into my alpha robe and go the sacred place of our people. Its an altar room with our sacred relics.
I know what I must do,and I'll do it no matter what,for my mate. I know he will miss me but I can't let him suffer for my choices. I kneel down at the altar and search my soul for the answer like the elders said. And this one conviction resonates through me,
"The greatest sign of love is laying down one's life for another. "
Tears roll down my eyes,am going to miss my Asha,my mate,my lover and friend,but for him,I'll do this for him.
I grab my the sacred dagger and slit my wrist as I kneel down,
'I give my life in exchange for my mate,please heal him, give him back his life,I am doing the ultimate sacrifice for him. He only loved me and its me who brought this upon him. He doesn't deserve this. Take my offering.'
By this time,am almost bleeding out,I feel myself going, the blood slowly draining from me. Am so weak now,my soul is slowly leaving my body. I see my wolf coming towards me,we are going towards a certain place. Its a waterfall,with water so blue and there is a bright light as I get closer.
'Is this what it feels like to be dead? Where is this place? I feel so peaceful and happy.'
I reach the light and realise its a woman,old but stunningly beautiful. She is seated dipping her feet into the waterfall,
"I was expecting you" she says and her voice is so calming and beautiful.
"Who are you?" I ask her
"I am a guardian of the werewolf kind" she replies
"Am I dead? Will my mate live?" I ask frantically
"No" she replies
"What? But I have done the ultimate sacrifice" I say,
"Yes,but the ultimate sacrifice means a lot of things,have you let go of your mate? If you still hold on to him, his life will be at a stand still, do you now get what am saying?" She asks
"But I don't want to let go of him,I love him, he's my soulmate" I say crying
"Son,all that is true but you broke a very serious tradition of our people and there are consequences,I can't help him otherwise" she says
"I know,letting go means accepting what has happened and being at peace with it and letting go of the hope that things will change,whole heartedly" I say
"Yes,my son" she says
I close my eyes,breathe deep and let go, our memories flash before my eyes,I feel them go and pass.
I have done it, I have let go, the ultimate sacrifice, letting go of someone you love selflessly, for their sake.
I kneel down and cry,

My mate,my Asha,I hope he finds the strength to go through this,maybe in another life time we'll still be mates...


A few more chapters to go.Votes and comments motivate me to update faster*smiles* just saying

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