Calm before the storm

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Kade's POV

At that moment when I was ascending and my wolf refused to combine back,I got worried,till I saw Asha ascending too!
How is that possible? My mate is a beta,only alpha's ascend.

Currently, we were in one of the available rooms. Asha was feeling tired,so we came in here to rest. He has been sleeping for a while now,around three hours.
He really looks exhausted and tired, abit pale too. Maybe it's because of the recent events.

I lay next to him trying not to worry but its practically impossible.
"Is it good or bad that he ascended? What if something bad happens to my mate,it has never happened before!"

I feel Asha stirring next to me,he wakes up and looks into my eyes, he leans down and kisses me. I slowly kiss him back.
He lays his head on my chest and he holds my waist tightly. I lightly ran my hands through his hair,till he says
"What happened out there?"
"I don't know,it has never happened before,ever" I tell him
"What happens now? Is there an explanation for this?" He asks
"Well the elders have gone to consult the council,and people from other packs" I reply
"I hope they find some answers,the curiosity and anxiety is getting too much" he says
"Calm down babe,don't worry yourself too much,everything is going to be fine" I say
"I hope your right and nothing bad is going on" he replies
"Do you want to grab something?" I ask him
"I am hungry, but I still feel sleepy, I don't feel like going any where," he says
"It's alright,I'll have it sent up here" I tell him
"Thank you" he says and smiles back at me.
I hug him and get up to grab the phone and order for us. After placing our order. I get back into bed and we talk while waiting for our food.
Around thirty minutes later,the food is here and we dig into it heartily.

After that heavy food,we decide to sleep. I spoon my precious mate from behind and we drift into sleep and dreamland.

At the council meeting
"Are you absolutely sure about this information?" Some one asks
"Yes,we have found out everything we could regarding the matter at present"the person replies.
" Have we truly collected all the solutions available?" One person asks
"Yes,that's all of it" he replies
"Summon those two then,we must inform them immediately" the person says.

Kade's POV
As am still in bed sleeping with Asha,I hear a knock on the door.
"You have been summoned in the hall by the elders" the person says
"We are coming" I yell back
I turn to my Asha and he is sleeping peacefully, I wish I didn't have to wake him up.
I briefly Peck his mouth but as I move to go away,hands grab my head and pull me down and my lips are thoroughly kissed. Asha pulls away and smiles,
"What a way to wake up!" He says
"Yeah it's great" I reply
",But right now we have to go meet the elders, I think they have answers" I continue
"Ooh,lets go then" he says
We head into the hall and the elders are already seated. We are invited to sit and we sit tentatively,not knowing what to expect.

I don't think am very comfortable with the way the elders look. I hug my mate and we hold hands. United as one.
"We are listening" I say
One of them clears his throat to speak,
"Well.......we found out that....

Wait for it................

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