Shout-outs, Notes, Copyrights, and All That Jazz...

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"I hear you're a player... So lets play a game.

Let's sweet talk. Let's play fight, let's talk 24/7.

Let's tell each other good morning and good night every day, let's take walks together, let's give each other nicknames. Let's hang out with each others' friends, let's go on dates. Let's talk on the phone all night long, let's hold each other... And kiss and hug each other.

And whoever falls in love first?


So, You've fallen upon my book, huh? Eager to read more right? Well first, please read this a/n.

So, this book wasn't ALL my idea. I saw a picture on Bing and it went on from there; I have a perfectly good plan for you all, and it's not as "cliche" as it sounds - it actually will have twists and turns... Not just him giving up or her falling for him more than she intended. This will have very mild swearing here and there, but not every chapter every other sentence because I'm not like that. In fact, you will rarely see swearing, but if you do it is because either the character is really ticked off. There might be partying, but nothing horrible happens. There will be awkward moments, a few tears shed, some happy moments, and some idiotic moments, but nothing that has to do with sex, drugs (except one chapter, one), and nothing to do with swearing a lot and very rudely or horribly so. Also, if something is offensive, I honestly do not mean to be offensive. PLEASE NOTE AS WELL - all scenes, places, odd words, and names are made up by moi self, I do not actually know if there are actual places in the towns I use, or actual names either.

And now onto the people who first read the book and gave me pointers and all that jazz;

@xXExtraordinMaryXx - You should really really look her up and read her books. They're awesome.

@toxicspirit - Her books are pure awesomness. Check her profile out and read her books! :)





Now, copyrights. I know, I know, we ALL know about this crapoly... But I need to get this clear, because I will not stand liars who copy MY hard work and thinking and such, I will also NOT stand people who are like that. If you want to make a short story about a character or something, PLEASE message me so we can talk about it. I know this probably won't go far, but I want to get this out there just in case.

Copyrighted by DjBunny.

This story "Let's Play a Game" is copyrighted under the Copyright Designs and Patterns act 1988. This includes all chapters, prologues, epilogues, sequels, and associate content, (ie fanfics, teasers, ext). Any other unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distirbution, or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. Any infrigement of this copyright is punishable by law. Any links, images, brand names or otherwise copyrighted material is not my own, and is not covered by my copyright. No copyright infringement intended.

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